Chapter 97

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Shadow pov.

"If we move we wouldn't have to worry about Vio's mom trying to teach Vaati anymore disturbing lessons, and while it would disrupt their education, it's flexible as we're the ones teaching them. Majora is also outgrowing his bed so his bed could automatically be cut out of the moving costs." I honestly would like to move, I would rather be by the ocean. I also don't have to worry about how much of my taxes are going to dying oil corporations.

"I believe that my company has a couple offices in the Greater Vancouver Area so at least we shouldn't have to worry about my job. Vio is wanting to change into criminal psychology fully so he could switch when we move. Blue will be more than able to get a new job there. Shadow is still an experienced tattoo artist so he shouldn't have too many worries." Green puts in taking a slice of the cake.

"Okay those are both good points, but the bed point would require us moving in less than three months, so that point isn't going to last long enough to be useful. So if we are just going to get them new beds I want those beds to last them to adulthood," Red points out taking his own slice. It seems people are finally eating it.

"It seems none of us are actually against us moving and overall want to. We will need to be telling the two about us moving, and we need to find a solid time for us to move, and get rid of what we can in order to make it easier to." Vio is already eating his own cake, thinking over a point before he continues.

"I'll be the one looking for a house. I will be picking one with a death in it as those make them a lot cheaper. It would also make it more likely for them to be old enough for there to be a proper kitchen as less and less places actually have them. No we won't be telling Majora about someone dying in the place, nor are we going to tell my parents that we are moving at all. Green will be the one to approve of what I pick out," he always seems to shy away from just leading the group.

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