Chapter 54

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Vio pov.

Majora had of course, questions. We told them the truth that he wouldn't understand. That he wouldn't want to understand. But we told him the truth that he was named after our high school friend. And that's why that friend is dead, and why we think he's them reborn. He doesn't understand just how bad it is, but he knows it serious.

"Vio?..." It's my turn to guard him so Red leads him over tired. 

"Yes?..." I crouch down and hug him. Red starts going upstairs exhausted. 

"Why did Vaati have to go?..." he really does miss his brother. 

"When that thing attacked old Majora for the last time, they found Vaati's past being, and it killed them too. As parents it's our job to protect you. But from what we know, it's attached to you so we need to at least keep it away from Vaati," I tell him taking him downstairs to watch a movie.

"Have you tried Google?" This is what you get for having a kid now. 

"We wish it was that simple, but this falls into a supernatural issue, and those don't get research by professionals. They get covered by liars, and crazy people. Shadow is looking, and their are things we are going to try. But for now we're just preparing to, control how bad it is, and fixing the damage," I tell him putting on sleeping beauty.

"Is this how I got my scar?..." he asks cuddling up to me, very anxious. I put my arm over him holding him. 

"We weren't really thinking about that.... but yes... we entertained the thought that it was, we kinda just forgot about it..." I tell him that honestly scaring my a lot more. If it could kill two adults when he was a baby, it either is relatively the same in power regardless of Majora, or it gains power as Majora grows up.

"When will Vaati be coming back?...." he asks hugging me tightly. 

"Once you stop seeing it, or at the end of the week. I don't like it either. But this took priority, do you understand why?" I ask him wanting to know if he can properly process things right now. He slowly nods cuddling further into me. 

"Am I going to die?..." 

"Yes, but I doubt it would kill you right now," I really don't believe in lying to them.

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