Chapter 85

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Sheik pov.

Being that there is a thunderstorm and mother has raised me to always to alert. I wake up at four am. I look up to see that I'm not the only one awake. Vaati is staring out the window from his bed. He's not under the covers he's just sitting on top of it. That's probably why the window is open. Vaati looks at me for a moment before they shift back to watching the storm and move over on the bed.

I get up and sit next to them as we watch the lightning for a moment. I quietly count the seconds one Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi, four Mississippi, five Mississippi, six Mississippi. The thunder that woke me strikes again. For every rough second it is one fifth of a mile, meaning it's 1.2 miles away. Now converting that to kilometres that would be 1.9 km. So the storm is almost 2 kms away from us.

"You know some of them really aren't real," Vaati states out of the blue. 

"What are you talking about?" I know it isn't the lightning or thunder. Vaati both knows too much about storms, and has a habit of going through his entire train of thought and drops only his current thought without context. Vaati hums for a moment, he sometimes never answers or takes a moment to.

"Majora's hallucinations" Vaati says as the light of the lightning hits the walls of the room. 

"Isn't all of it not supposed to be real?" I ask raising an eye brow. I've always known something was up with Majora's condition but I've always been neutral in my belief of them. If Majora says they're I'll bite and listen, as it technically is possible, however unlikely. But I'm not investing any belief or disbelief into these claims. I have told and explained it to Majora of course.

"No most of them are real in a way. I've seen things just slightly move without anything touching it. I have check for tricks but there has yet to be one. They are also consistent in how he describes who he is with. The Fairies Tatl, Teal, and Skull kid bump into things. The Happy Mask Sales Man can cause floor boards to creak and isn't consistent to anyone's walking style. However inconsistent characters that normally only share a name between visits can't cause anything to change. He also learns a lot about people he has never even met because of this," Vaati explains as the storm starts to die off.

One Curse Ends Another BeginsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora