Chapter 15

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Majora pov.

I run over to Sheik by the trees. "Sheik!" I jump on them, sending us both down the hill. I laugh as I end up on top of Sheik when we finish rolling. They sits up making me land on the ground but I continue to laugh. 

"You should be more careful the ground is already starting to get icey, and I would hate to see you fall," Sheik tells me helping me get up.

I hug them again, nuzzling them through their jacket. they moves over to a tree "the branches look strong enough" they mumble to themself, grabbing on to the lowest branch. I let go tilting my head at them. They starts climbing up "don't hold on to the branches I'm on" Sheik warns me, giving me room to follow them. I smile copying my friend movements. Sheik moves to the other side sitting down. I sit on my side and start to look around.

"So what are you doing in class?" Sheik asks kicking their legs out in boredom. 

"The alpa- alpa-bet," I tell Sheik struggling to say the word. 

They chuckle "I'm learning how to add numbers together," 

I tilt my head "What's that?" 

"I'll show you after school when I come over," Sheik promises me starting to go down. I frown, 

"How do I get down?..." Sheik looks up at me.

"I just lower an arm and leg until I reach something. Lower your legs to the branch under you, do not let go of the one you are on." Sheik instructs quickly reaching the ground before I even begin. 

"Ok..." I squeeze the branch I'm on sliding down it. 

"Good now, which hand do you write with, take the other one along with that foot and let go of the branch," Sheik shouts up to me. Doing so, my right foot slips. And we quickly find out, I can't support my weight with just one hand.

I end up on top of Sheik. "OW!..." we both groan as a teacher walks over. 

"What on Earth happened?!" I whimper hearing him. Sheik pushes me off a tree branch on their chest. 

"Climbing Trees again Sheik, and you dragged your friend with you, I swear you are going to be the youngest person to be suspended in this school!" I start crying why is he yelling at Sheik?!

"Alright then... yeah you two need to come with me..." Sheik takes my hand following the mean man. I squeeze it grabbing them. Entering the school we go into the office that smells like stale bread. We sit down on the old seats as the meanie talks to the front desk lady before leaving. I squeeze Sheik again as we're sent into the principal's office.

"How is it that you two are here at least once a week?" He says annoyed already.  

"Because the activities given to us are both un-challenging and boring." Sheik tells him rubbing my back. 

He shakes his head, "well Sheik due to school policy I'm going to have to suspend you for the week. Congratulations on becoming the youngest person to accomplish that." He speaks dryly typing away on the computer. "It would have been an in school suspension but that just won't work with you, so You're mother can figure out what to do with you for the rest of the week." He picks up the fat phone, dialing in the numbers. He talks for awhile mentioning Sheik's name multiple times, Before putting it down.

"Now Majora, there's no point in kicking you out early, so you'll be coming to school as usual, but I'm calling your parents as well." He tells me, putting in a new number.

I turn to Sheik cupping my hand so he can't hear me "what does usual mean?..." I whisper to them. 

"In this case it means you just go here as before," Sheik tells me barely moving their lips. 

"What does before mean?" I ask next not bothering to whisper this time. 

They looks at me "It means something that has happened earlier to an event,"

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