Chapter 58

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Shadow pov.

Waking up I see Vaati is cuddling right on up to me. "Hey where's Green?..." it's a bit slurred due to me just waking up. Vaati looks up at me clear having just been half asleep. 

"Hallway," he answers rubbing his eye. 

"Do you know why?" I ask him sitting up. Vaati still clings to me, so he's still holding on to me. He fights his tired eyes to answer me. 

"His phone rang..." He's so cute.

"Okay, could you let go?" I better get out there. He wouldn't take a call at this time if it wasn't the others. If it wasn't about Majora. He shakes his head latching further on to me. "Come on, I need to talk to Green and you're going to find that it's cold," I tell him, trying to carefully remove his hands. He shakes his head burying it in my chest.

"Fine but don't blame me when you freeze," I tease him getting up. He shivers for a second before returning to normal. Guess he doesn't really mind. I grab my key card before going out. Rather not risk being locked out. Especially with my youngest. I put it away in my pocket going out. Green's at the end of the hall looking out the window. He's sitting on the window ledge too.

Vaati rests his head on my shoulder drifting back off as I approach. Green doesn't even notice me when I approach. He turns his phone off placing it down, and sighing. 

"What happened?" He jumps a little startled. 

"It happened, Majora's alive and didn't even need to stay the night in the hospital," he tells me clearly not all has been said. 

"Who was with him?" I ask hoping he can respond.

"Blue, it stabbed right through his right hand, the doctors aren't sure how badly it's damaged," Damn. 

I take a moment thinking of what to say "At least it didn't kill him. Plus we're left handed. Nothing else passed that right?" Comedic attempt chances of it failing high. 

"No, he got a lot of stabs trying to protect Majora but, thankfully, it stuck to his lower torso, and didn't go deep," Green says wishing we were there with them.

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