Chapter 36

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Green pov.

I pick Vaati up and get him into the car seat. He whines loudly hating it, especially when Majora just needs a booster. "Calm down sweetie it's just for a few minutes to get you to Impa's, so we can take care of the court dealings," I tell him buckling him in. He crosses his arms mumbling about feeling trapped.

Vio, Blue, and Red all went there early to go over the case one more and so the car wouldn't be over filled. I give Vaati a bat plushie he fell in love with first sight so he has it while we're in court. Make sure Shadow's in the car, getting a few last minutes of sleep and some heavily caffeinated tea so there's some chance of him being functioning.

So off to Impa we go, Sheik is waiting for us in the yard, well... they're actually hiding in the tree and I can barely even see them. Getting out Vaati is already breaking out of his prison. I chuckle as he then tries escaping by going into the seat well. If it had been when we first found him, he would have succeeded by being small enough to get under Shadow's seat, but he has grown lots since then.

Impa comes out and I literally hand Vaati to her, he just goes limp acting like a ragdoll. He's pretty good at that, if his neck was bent backwards anymore it break, he's even flips it to the front when Impa adjusts how she's holding him. Sheik climbs down before Majora tries climbing the tree and gets hurt because he's bad at climbing, especially the down.

"Call me when you come to pick them up," Impa tells me taking the tree kids inside. 

"Of course I hope you have some fruit Vaati loves snacking on them," I tell her before she shuts the door. She gives me a nod closing it.

And now for the Hell of getting Vaati's father behind bars, with a lot of the evidence being delayed. Did I mention it is open for the public.

One Curse Ends Another BeginsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz