Chapter 42

22 2 5

Red pov.

I pick Vaati up as the social worker interviews Vio. We still haven't told Vaati about how we're going to be his permanent parents. Vio says he wants to see what Vaati acts like after realizing he will be going to someone else, as well as avoiding the small possibility that they don't let us take him. But we are slowly getting him everything he might need in the long run. 

Majora has his event tonight as a always so it will just be Shadow, Vaati and I in the house. We've agreed to allow the other's to have a date night. Me and Shadow will be having our own next week as a brunch. Impa has her own date, but knowing her, it isn't going to be remotely close to an actual date. More like a guy won't leave her alone and she can't do shit to him at work.

"Vaati, We got you a couple of colouring books," I tell him going into his dark room. He has his window wide open and has changed into the pajamas we got him shortly after we saw just how badly Majora's fit him. He hugs my leg not really paying attention to the books in my hand. I smile and try to properly pick him up. It takes a moment for him to let go of my leg and let me properly hold him.

Taking him down stairs I see Shadow looking for a movie. I give him Vaati so they can pick one together. Vaati grabs one and looks it over, peering over his shoulder I find that it's Coraline. 

"That's a scary movie Vaati, put it back," I tell him being a little worried about him getting traumatized from it. 

"I want to watch it," Vaati insists as Shadow takes over.

"Alright but the second you're scared, we're taking it out," 

Vaati nods agreeing.

I put it in with a sigh and go upstairs to get us some popcorn and skip the previews. I know that Shadow and our unofficial child will be cuddled up waiting for me. Vaati has a strange little habit of sorts with popcorn rather than using the normal favouring for it, he likes it with powdered broths. He likes the vegetable one best so far.

One Curse Ends Another BeginsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ