Chapter 18

40 3 18

Time skip Majora is six (his birthday is April 28, Sheik is April 21) (this is winter)

Red pov.

I smile seeing Majora already taking his nap, cuddling with Shadow. I was going to ask him to help me make cookies, but I'm not going to wake him. Going into the kitchen I already have all the ingredients. It's a recipe Majora found online ( Majora (also) picked it out, which is the only way I would of ever known of its existence.

Getting to the flour the door bell rings unexpectedly, making me spill about half of it on me. I put it down swearing under my breathe going to answer it. Checking the peep hole I swear again, my parents are at the door. I rush upstairs, shaking Shadow awake. (A/n this has happened twice this week in my stories (when I wrote this)) "my parents are here, get into the guest with Majora," he nods still half asleep but he moves into it, as I pull out clothing to make it look like it's only Vio's and mine's.

I quickly get back to the door opening. "Sorry couldn't get to the door right away, I was in the bathroom," I lie smiling awkwardly. My mother smiles hugging me, I hug back. I wish I could still be close to them, but I can't. Not with how they treat Green, Blue and especially Shadow. It's painful to ignore their calls and have to hide the truth whenever they visit, but I know it's better than telling them the truth.

"How come you're covered in flour, kiddo?" My father asks messing up my hair. 

I smile at him "I was making cookies, but the flour slipped out of my hand, so I went to the bathroom to let my mind settle a bit, and wash up, didn't get the chance to do that," it disturbs me just how good I got at lying to them. 

"I could help you with that," my mom happily offers me, heading upstairs. I go after her checking to make sure she remembered to take her shoes off.

"Where is my grandson anyway?" My father asks a few grey hairs poking out of his dirty blond hair. 

"Taking a nap..." I put simply my heart trying to escape the pressure. 

"Oh we got a shark toy for him," he says putting down a ToysRUs (a/n it's still here in Canada) bag on the kitchen table. 

"I'll check on him in a moment Dad," I tell him relaxing a little.

"So happy that Shadow moved out," my mother comments making me tense right back up. 

"He still lives here... so does Green and Blue... where on Earth did you get that idea?..." who did I piss off in another life to deserve this?... 

"I haven't seen that over grown heathen or his stuff anywhere. Why do you live with them, you and Vio do perfectly well on your own?" She asks back and a few tears well up in my eyes. 

"We cleaned the house yesterday, and Shadow is a part of our family, just like Vio. He has never done anything to deserve the hate you give him," I tell her not able to face her in fear of breaking down. 

"What in Heavens name do you mean just like Vio?" She asks a layer of shock.

"Red what's going on?..." Majora takes our attention rubbing his eyes, wearing a purple dress he wanted. 

"Nothing sweetie, just a misunderstanding, is Shadow awake?" I ask going over to him, he shakes his head. I hug him picking him up and cuddling him a little. 

"Want to help Grandma and I make that cookie recipe we found online?"  I ask rubbing his back. He nods into my neck a faint smile.

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