Chapter 30

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Vaati pov.

Vio hugs me picking me up from the chair. "Vaati what happened the night your mother died?" He says slowly.

I remember it all so clearly. I can't forget it. It was a quiet night, but my parents were fighting again. Dad called mama so many things. I just wanted it to stop and for mama to hold me. She always took care of me. She used to sing to me to cheer me up. And now I can't even give her back her necklace.

I hold the red heart tightly starting to speak, tears starting to fall. "I woke up from the shouting... Dad was yelling at mama again.... Mama wanted him to stop... She didn't want me, wake up to it again.... top of stairs... saw.... Hit her..." I break down crying grabbing on to Vio. Shaking uncontrollably, shivering, quietly begging for mama to come back.

He started to sing quietly with words I don't understand at all. But the sound calms me down. He's singing to me. Just like mama would have. My sobs slowly die out as he rocks me, adjusting how I sit on him. The song makes me feel safe. I look up to him. His pale bright eyes reminding me of her green ones I can no longer see.

"Can you continue Vaati?..." He asks slowly still rubbing my back, before having me blow my nose. 

I nod my tears only slowly falling. "...Mama fell... The table... so much blood... couldn't move... Locked in room... came out... many people... so loud... water by feet... not there, added... tried to tell... didn't have words.... Said I didn't know, what happening... said I upset... always say I upset.... No one believe... Me... He make sure..." I finish still sniveling.

"Can we go? This should be more than enough," Vio asks getting up making sure I have my bat with me. 

"Yes of course, we'll be keeping in contact" the lady says letting us out. It's a little warmer out now than when they first found me.

 Vio "we're getting you a new toy" he tells me putting me into the car seat. 

"Why?" I tilt my head confused watching as he got in the front. 

"Because I need to do something to distract you and myself at the moment,"

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