Chapter 56

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Red pov.

I finish wrapping him up. "We're going to go to the hospital, but I need to stop the bleeding for now," I tell him putting the last few touches on. I turn to see Blue the corners of his back stained red. "Let me see your back" I tell him pointing to the counter. He removes his shirt but stays standing. Oh Din. It's covered in so many wounds. They seem pretty shallow but there's about 14 of them.

"We're going to the hospital now!" I throw a towel to him to minimize the bleeding. Guiding Majora to his car seat, "It's going to hurt, but it's only for a bit," I tell him driving to the hospital. Blue's towel slowly stains red and he becomes a bit loopy. His hand is red, there's a hole in his hand. I gag seeing it while pulling up to the hospital.

I get them in telling the receptionist what's wrong with both of them.  They seem shocked saying it will only take a moment or two to get them in. I nod getting them a seat before going to deal with the parking. Getting back in I see them both being taken. We already told Majora to just say he doesn't know if they ask how, and that they need to talk to us. Him being a kid certainly helps for the time being.

I ask her where they were both put so I can find them and give the doctors their medical history. She gives it to me, and I go to check on Majora first. They are unwrapping the bandages I put on and debating if it needs stitching or not. 

I approach the nurse taking away the dirty bandages, "Hey I'm the one that took him in, I'm his father," I tell him ready for the line of questioning. I answer them all truthfully.

Once they finish up I call Vio. "Red where are you? I've been calling you for the last twenty minutes!" He asks clearly just on the urge of panicking. 

"We're at the hospital, Majora and Blue have a lot of stab wounds but they'll be okay," I say entering a dead cloudy faze of mind. 

"I'll be there as soon as I can." He ends the call before I can say anything more. I guess all there is left is to call Green and Shadow....

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