Chapter 4

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Get ready for a big surprise!

Vio pov.

Going into the police station, I'm confronted by the leading officer Jenny "thank goodness you're here, this one's going to be the biggest case of the year for the entire country," 

"What happened? You told me to cancel all of my appointments for a week," I ask going over to the desk and placing my suit case down.

"Someone killed a couple less then an hour after the woman gave birth. The neighbors only called when the window was broken by the man's dead body. The baby was also attacked, the guessed weapon was a wipe and something with a lot of spikes. The callers told us, no one went in or out of the house. From when they think the woman started to give birth, to when the police arrived," she tells me handing me the photos.

I gag just a tiny bit. It hits a memory string I just can't find the end. "I'll probably be going through the records, this reminds me of something but I can't remember what" She nods running her hand through her dyed blue hair. 

"So I'm going to talk to Fayre to see if she can remember any cases like this, it maybe what I'm thinking of" She nods allowing me to go.

Fayre looks up from me, from the strangest, definitely set up in an hour, nursery. "So the baby is staying here..." 

She looks up surprised "Yeah the little guy is being kept here for a week, before being put into the system, the little family he has is convinced he's cursed..." 

"Well I might be seeing him again" I joke walking over. 

She chuckles "Never been involved in a case like this, Poor baby hadn't even stopped crying for the first time, before someone tried to kill him," she sighs sadly.

I follow her eyes to the little bassinet, which has probably came from the abuse department. Looking in my breathe traps itself within me. Majora. That's Majora, same purple hair with little white highlights. Same Yellow, green centered eyes. His back and shoulder wrapped in bandages little drops of blood peaking out. He's tiny, about seven pounds if I had to guess. There's no way anyone else is adopting him. I still remember the promise I made to him in the hospital. He giggles looking up at me smiling. "That's the first time he's done that, he's pretty much scared of everyone and everything," Fayre tells me, but my ears have gone death.

I pick him up, he cuddles in. And I head off to Jenny, I don't care who I need to talk to, Majora is mine. "Jenny, I don't care what I have to do, you could full out not pay me for this case, but this is my baby. Majora is Mine." They look at me like I'm insane, as well as everyone else in earshot. Majora just giggles not able to really do anything else.

"Vio are you sure, we don't even know if he can still use his left arm" Fayre says not really knowing how to take this. 

"I've never actively went for or against reincarnation, but this is Majora, you can look at his school photos from the Police case 798; nicknamed Inhuman, never solved. Either way, like it or not, Majora is now my child, and I'm going to do everything in my power to protect him this time." I tell her keeping my voice level and factual.

Fayre backs off instead asking "how are you getting him home, you don't have a car seat? And are you just going to leave him here till the end of the week? Or take him home everyday?" 

Good points "I'll borrow a car seat from the children's section here. I'm not leaving him here, the sooner he meets his family the better. This is going to be a dead end case, we aren't going to find the -thing that did this, just like the first time..." I tell her, bouncing Majora just a tiny bit.

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