Zoom Interview

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Since quarantine started, everything had changed. Both my girlfriend and I had decided not to leave the house unless it's really important, so we've been together 24/7 and so far, it hasn't been a bad thing, but I do miss working and being at the studio, what I didn't missed at all was interviews so it made me feel, somehow, irritated when we were told we'd be doing them through Zoom. I am not a big fan of putting on headphones and staring at a screen for how long we had to – hell I wouldn't even do it on my free time. Discussing work through Zoom calls wasn't as dynamic as in person, but we had to get used to it.

Around 12pm I sat on a room no one occupied, exactly where the computer was at. 15 minutes into the interview in which I'm mostly listening and sipping on coffee – I hear a loud bang, probably a door shutting, then the door of the room I'm in swings open rapidly, also hitting the wall. I furrow my eyebrows at the noise, it was more than enough having to listen other people talk through headphones. A fuming Isabella enters the room, her face red and tears rolling down her face, Luke asks about the noise, but I decide to ignore it and turn around to face her.

—What's wrong? -I whisper as low as possible-

—I am so fucking tired of my dad, I really wish he wasn't my father. I fucking wish he could just evaporate, he's the biggest burden I've had to carry around, sometimes I feel like I hate him -she stars to rant loudly and my eyes widen as I remember I'm on an interview, in which no one is talking right now-

—Uhh -I turn around to face the screen and try to think what to do-

I'm beyond sure that this is gonna be something to talk about now. And I'm positive Isabella's dad will hear about it, making things worse by now.

—Everything okay, mate? -Ashton asks and I look back at the screen-

—How do I mute this? Can I mute this real quick? -I ask, hesitant-

Isabella realises I'm on a call and her hands cover her mouth in sign of regret. More tears start to roll down her cheeks as she shakes her head and my heart aches by seeing her like that. And knowing that no matter what I do or say, either the interviewer or some fans will make this part of the call viral.

—Tap the microphone thing that's on the corner -Michael instructs me-

—But what's going on in the bassist's life? -the interviewer asks and I just sigh, frustrated at how some of them just try to dig harder and create an article based on lies, mostly-

—Sorry, mate. I'm gonna mute this real quick, I'll be right back -I sharply say, stepping away from the camera-

I stand up and hold her into a hug as I hear her sob.

—I am so sorry, Cal. I didn't know you were busy -she apologises, tears streaming down her face-

—What happened, baby? -I look down at her, my voice as gentle as it could be-

She lets go of me and sits on a trunk I usually take on tour, leaving out a long sigh as she wipe her tears away.

—It's my dad. He wrote me again saying how I'm a waste of oxygen and space because I do nothing he wanted me to do, so I called him because his words fucking hurt me, I was already crying when I read that, so it made him mad – calling me a hypocrite because, if I really "cared about him" then I would've listened to what he had to say about my life. In other words, he just wants me to live my life the way he wants me to.

The relationship my girlfriend and her father have is beyond damaged and broken, and it's been like that -almost- her whole life. He divorced Isa's mum and married again, that's when Isabella told me he got bitter – he stopped seeing her frequently and whenever they were together, he made her feel worthless. "Why'd you score a B+ and not an A+?" "Felicity's children do better than you at school" "You're just like your mother, two imbeciles" and more horrible things. Imagine being little and hearing your father, someone you admired and loved, tell you that.

It has taken a lot of therapy for Isabella to get past somethings, but still, it's a matter that still aches. Thanks to the therapy sessions, she decided she wanted to move in with me – and that pissed off her father, so he called her a slut, whore and more. The man hates me with all his soul and it's safe to say I hate him back, we met once and it took all in me not to punch him straight in the face. I really wanted to leave him bruised up, but I didn't do anything because of Isa, I couldn't put her in such an uncomfortable position.

—Your dad is an asshole and he doesn't even deserve to call you daughter -I assure her, kneeling down to her level- I know it's hard, but don't let it go to your head, if you're happy with the life you chose for yourself, it's what matters. He wants you to be someone you're not, he's a fucking wretch and that's why he keeps on psychologically abusing you...

—Why, Cal? Why? He's my dad, he saw me from the minute I was born, he should be proud of me, he should be happy I exist -her shaky hands put a strand of hair behind her ear- and I know my therapist has told me he's the one who's wrong before, but is there something wrong with me, too? I mean, is there a reason for him to hate me?

—No. He's just a fucking wretch, he's unhappy and he wants to make you unhappy too. That fucking bastard deserves nothing, he doesn't even deserves to be called dad by you -I hold her hands steady-

—Fuck... I can't take it, I don't know if I'm sad or angry. -she says, looking to the side- shit, your call -she quickly stands up from the trunk- I'm gonna leave you, okay? Again, I'm sorry I interrupted you

—Isa? -I try to get her full attention, she nods, motioning me to talk- it's a... it's an interview, not a work meeting, which means -she cuts me off-

—Which means what I said will be aired. -she sighs and rubs her temples- what is done is done, I wouldn't want people judging me and commenting about it when they know nothing, but...

"But that's what you have to deal with by dating someone in a band" I think to myself, but decide not to say a word about it.

—Cal, don't waste any more time, alright? Go back to your interview, we'll talk about it once you're finished, okay? -her puffy eyes look at me, I lean in and give her a quick peck-

—Are you sure you're gonna be alright? I could just hang up, I'm sure they'll understand.

—I am positive.

—Okay... and, Isa? I love you.

I make her smile, but her sad eyes were still there. She leaves the room, carefully closing the door behind her, so I sit back on the chair and put on the headphones, unmuting the microphone.

—Ah, Calum's back! What happened, man? Trouble at paradise? -the interviewer cheerfully asks and I put on a fake smile-

—Some personal matter -I say moving on the chair-

—Was that your girlfriend? Or another new love we don't know about? -he tries to dig in-

—As I was saying, No Shame was the hardest to record because Michael kept on laughing -Luke quickly redirects the conversation-

—Man, yeah -Michael giggles, realising what Luke was doing- I don't know why that song made me laugh so much, I think it's because of how real the situation is, some people lacking shame. But overall, it was the most fun video music we've filmed.

—All you did was take selfies, shit bag -Ashton teases him-

—Exactly, man. -Michael says funnily, causing us to giggle a bit-


This imagine was requested by @lovelymusicgeek16 so it's dedicated to you!

Also, to whoever wants to request an imagine, don't be shy! I'd love to write about it.

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