Drug Lord

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This whole underworld of mafia, murder and trafficking disgusts me to death, but I still have to play it cool, I'm supposed to be used to this or at least, I'm supposed to play pretend I don't care about it, being an F.B.I agent undercover means that I also have to be a good actress, I've been trained for this for the past months, slowly I've been getting myself into this world, climbing my way up to the top, our number one target is Calum Hood, the man built himself one of the biggest drug networks in Australia & U.S and it has been costing us quite a lot, he has been our pain in the ass for the last years and every time we think we're close to get him, something happens, either they find out or our agents get murdered, when I was assigned for this mission, I knew that my life was also on the table but I didn't care, I really loved my job this much. It was my vocation ever since I was a little kid to bring justice into this world.

But life can be as confusing as it seems, after reaching out for the top, my biggest mistake was love and now I'm stuck between the wall and the sword, never in a million years I expected this man to be so kind, lovely and caring to me, I developed some kind of Stockholm Syndrome without even noticing and when I did, my emotions were twisted and in pain... Yes, I knew I had to do all this, I thought that I was ready for it but now I'm surprised over the fact that I actually have feelings for a drug lord. Now what will happen? Am I supposed to turn in the man that I love? The only man that has made me feel love is real...Years ago I thought love was over for me or that I'd never experience it again but Calum proved me wrong and now I'm in pain, I don't want him to get hurt or locked up in jail, neither do I want to get removed from this mission or worse, imprisoned.

—My love! -Calum entered the room we've been sharing for a while now on his manor, a bouquet of red roses on his hand, I smiled at him-

He had been away for a week now and he left me here on his house, protected at all costs—months ago I could come and go around without anyone noticing or caring, but now Calum ordered for me to be strictly protected from the outer world, he knew he has plenty of enemies who will try to take down his world by sending away the persons he loves the most... And I became Calum's number one priority

—I've missed you -I quickly stand up from the bed almost running towards him, jumping to hug him, leaving plenty of kisses all over his face- I've missed you so much, Cal

He was holding me with one hand while the other one was holding the bouquet, I stand with my feet and round my arms around his neck, leaving a couple of kisses while smiling, I was really craving his presence

—These are for you -he hands me the flowers and I admire them- I was gone for too long for my liking, I'm craving you in so many ways -I blush while smiling down at the flowers-

—So am I, but I have to tell you sir, that I'm on that time of the month, which means you won't get fully satisfied -I turn around giggling and put the flowers on my bedside-

—So what? You know I don't care about that -he shrugs and I gasp frowning my eyebrows-

—You don't, but I do -I say daringly and he scoffs, tilting his head back to laugh- I love the crinkles by your eyes -I say as deeply I admire his face-

—And I love you -he grabs me pulling me closer, our lips were centimeters away and his hands were squeezing my ass, we melt into a passionate kiss which I was enjoying till my breathing became a little bit exaggerated and his lips landed on my collarbones, making me moan-

He throws me to the bed almost ripping out my shirt, my hands pulling his hair as he kisses my chest and breath, leaving a hickey on my left boob. One of the firsts times I was being told about this mission, basically they said that I needed to have sex with him If it was necessary, back then the thought of it made me nauseous but when I met him the first time I thought I might enjoy it, Calum's tall manly figure filled with tattoos, biceps showing up and kind of thick legs made me drool, his tanned skin only made everything better, plus, the shirts and rings he'd usually wear makes him look like he's the most attractive man on earth

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