Weekend Getaway

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Cal has been feeling a little over stressed this week since he had too much to do, so I decided to take him away for a little bit, it was Friday and I was going to pick him up from the studio, I already had everything packed but Cal didn't even had a clue we were going out, I was just crossing fingers that he'd be free. When I parked outside the studio I texted him to let him know I was there, 5 minutes later, my boyfriend was climbing onto the passenger seat

—Babe -I say excited, kissing his lips- I missed you

It hasn't been more than 24hrs since the last time I saw him but I'm just that clingy girlfriend who can't get enough of his boyfriend, plus, Calum made me really happy so I loved spending my time with him

—I've missed you too -he giggles while putting the seatbelt on- how was your day? -he asks as I start driving-

—It was good, lot of work but I'm not that tired -I wink at him humming to Summertime in Paris by Jaden & Willow-

Alright -He says going through his phone-

—Cal? -I get his attention now-


—Are you busy this weekend?

—Nah, I'm free. Why?

—Thank god -I giggle- we're escaping

—Escaping? -he asks amused-

—Yeah, like... Right now

—What? -he chuckles- what are you up to?

—Well, I noticed you've been stressed over the past week so I decided, as the good girlfriend I am -I joke- to erase your stress this weekend

—So, we're are we going to?

—There's this place that's kind of... If I tell you, I'll ruin the surprise. However, it'll be like a real getaway, I believe there's no phone signal either so let's hope no one tries to kill us -I joke making him laugh- I packed up everything already, it's in the car trunk

—Have I told you you're the best? -he smiles looking at me-

—You have, but I don't mind hearing it again -I chuckle-

—You're the best girlfriend one could ask for, and I love you -he grabs my hand and leaves two kisses there-

—I'm excited to get there, there's a hot tub too so I plan to spend most of the time there

—I plan to keep you naked most of the time -Cal says with a smirk on his face-

—Cal! -I blush while giggling nervously-

Still don't know why or how he manages to make me blush after all this time. After kind of long drive, we got there, I could tell we're breathing a different air, something fresher and pure, you could hear the birds chirping and the breeze moving the tree leaves, it was so quiet yet so peaceful you could hear all the sounds nature makes

—This is beyond beautiful -Calum admires around-

—I know, right? -I proudly smiled-

Calum takes his phone out and snap a few pictures while I just admire the whole place

—And you were right, no signal -he checks his phone-

—Which means this will be like a real getaway

Calum grabs the bags and puts them inside the cabin, I help him with the lightest things. The cabin is bigger than I thought I'd be, there's a smell of wood and citric that makes the ambience perfect.

—This is lovely -I think out loud as I admire the place-

—It's incredible -he looks around as well- now, if you strip, it'll be two times better -he goofily says, making me laugh-

—Give me a break! -I say between laughs-

He walks to me, pulling me into a hug. I don't question it, I just close my eyes and enjoy it, smelling his manly scent and feeling his arms around me.

—You didn't had to, yet, you did. Thank you for this, my love -he makes me look up, peppering me several times-

—I hope the stress you've been feeling is finally relieved

—It already has. It goes away when I'm with you... I don't think you understand how much I value you or love you, honestly, I don't think you ever will but I'll do my best to try and show you. Okay?

—Okay -I mumble, feeling as enamoured as one can be-

—I love you -he says, pulling me into another hug- we'll have fun this weekend.

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