Want U Back

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It's been over a month since Calum and I broke up, our relationship was going through its lowest so we decided to call it quits, but I honestly couldn't get over the existence of that man and our love, we try to make everything as polite as possible but it gets kinda uncomfortable whenever we're around, we're not used to be friends, we're used to be a couple.

—Open up! -I could hear Michael screaming from outside my front door, it was my birthday so I supposed he'd come by without an invitation. I giggle my way to the door and open it to find my best friend and his fiancée-

—There she is! The birthday girl! -Crystal pulled me into a hug- I love you so much

—Love you too -I smile- I knew you'd come by

—I was obligated, I didn't wanted to see your annoying ass face but Crystal made me do it -he jokes pulling me into a hug- happy birthday -he whispers to my ear and then kisses my cheek-

—So, what are you up to today? -Crystal smiles as she walks her way to the kitchen-

—What do you think? -I scoff-

—Can't believe you're this boring -she opens the fridge taking out a packet of grapes- Found them! I knew you'd have these -she pops one into her mouth-

—Yeah, of course you can have my grapes Crystal -I joke and they laugh-

—Shut up. And, Michael and I can't allow ourselves to let you have another boring birthday... Seriously, you're the biggest buzz killer I know -I roll my eyes at her-

—Calum's best match -Michael said out loud-

—Okay, that hurt -I raise my eyebrows in disapproval-

—Sorry, okay? I forget it sometimes

—Anyways, we're not here to discuss Calum and Y/N -Crystal speaks up- we're going out to have dinner. What do you think?

—The three of us? I'm not third wheeling again

—Not only us, Sierra, Luke, Ash... And of course Calum, you know we can't just not invite him -she shrugs and I nod-

—Whatever, I know, that'd be rude. Dinner sounds good, I don't want to spend my night at a bar with clingy ass drunk men

—Dinner it is -she smiles, pleased-


What do you do when people are singing happy birthday to you? That's the most awkward moment ever and you can't even fight it, that's one of the many reasons why I don't to birthdays. I try to look away from all my friends and people in the restaurant but all I can connect with is Calum's eyes, he was smiling at me as he was singing and clapping, I blowed the candles and sit down again

—Isn't she lovely? -Sierras says as she's recording me, I sheepishly smile at the camera feeling my cheeks heating up-

—Hope you had a good birthday -Ashton side-hugs me-

—I did, thank you -I smile while looking at his dimples-

—Time for the presents -Luke shouts-

—What? No—guys -I say feeling my heart rate speeding-

—Did you think we weren't gonna get you anything? -Michael laughed-

—You know you don't have to -I say trying not to sound impolite, all of them knew I didn't liked when people bought me gifts-

—Of course we didn't had -Luke laughs again as I try to cut the first piece of the delicious looking chocolate cake-

—Sorry we're late -a known voice says, I was too focused trying to get a taste of the cake that I didn't noticed them coming here- Y/N!!!

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