Wedding Bells

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She says "can you keep a secret? A ceremony set for June, I know it's a rush but I just love him so much, I hope that you can meet him soon"

The moment I found out the love of my life was getting married was the exact moment my world fell apart. Y/N and I have been friends for a while now, but there's this thing, we also were in a relationship that lasted almost 3 years... We broke up because of the distance, I was touring too much and Y/N was busy with college so it was a mutual decision but we remained good friends, I mean, I never stopped loving her and she says she hasn't stopped loving me either, I figured out it was as friends when she told me about her boyfriend, I though at first it was gonna be a fling but I couldn't hold the tears when 1 year after dating, I received a wedding invitation. She was engaged to that man, I wanted so bad to be happy for her but I couldn't be knowing I'm 2 months apart from losing the woman of my life.

—I just can't believe this -I scoff- Ashton, they've been dating for a year! Just a year! We were together for three and what happened? Look at us

All of the guys were aware of my feelings towards her and I always used to say that I'd take her back

—Mate, I don't even know what to say -he drinks from his scotch-

—What do I do? I want to say that I'm happy for her and mean it but I'm just sure no one will make her as happy as I can

—Then why you didn't win her back months ago?

Because I was on fucking tour and when I came back she was already dating this dude -I say annoyed- I thought it wouldn't last long so I was just waiting for them to end things, but look at this now -I pick up the wedding invitation- I never thought they'd get this serious this fast. Unbelievable

No, I don't wanna love if it's not you

I know that coming to her apartment without even noticing wasn't much of a big idea but I acted out of impulsivity, know I'm knocking on her door with the heart on my hand, feeling nauseas

—Calum? -she asks amused when she sees me standing outside her door. My heart was racing like it hasn't before- What are you doing here? Please, come in -she motions me to go inside, I nod and walk in, I look around and thankfully she was alone-

—Did I came at the wrong time?

—No, no, I was just cleaning up a little bit

—Good, 'cause we need to talk -I spat and she frowns her face, still amused-

—Talk about...?

—Your engagement -I sit on her couch and she follows me. The memories fill my mind, I have made love to her countless times on this same exact couch-

—What's up with it?

—You can't get married, Y/N

—Calum, I-I don't know why you'd tell me this and so sudden, what's wrong with me being engaged, or married?

—Fuck -I breath in- I still love you, I never stopped loving you as a women, not as a friend -I could feel my hands slightly shaking and I was hoping she wouldn't notice-

She stays there trying to process what I just said, her lips pressed together.

—You are and will always be the woman of my life, my true love, half of my soul -I assure her- please don't do this to me, don't do this to us... -I sigh looking at her then down at my intertwined hands-

—Why would you come to my house to say this after so long?

—Because you were in a relationship, I wasn't supposed to come here and try to make you end things with your boyfriend

—But now you're on my house telling me you love me while I'm engaged to my boyfriend, this just doesn't make any sense, you know that? -I nod-

—I'm aware, but I had hope you'd end up things with him... I never expected you two to get engaged

—He makes me happy, Calum

—I want you to be happy, I really do, but I'm sure there's no other man who can make you as happy as I made you. Think about it, our love never faded away, I was in love with you when we ended things, I mean, I still am

—This is too crazy, you can't come here to tell me you love me and expect me to call my engagement off

I don't wanna hear the wedding bells prove that we can't try one last time

Love make us do crazy things, I couldn't stay back at home as I lose you...

—This is... -she stutters a bit not knowing what to say- what do you expect me to do?

—To give us a second chance, I know deep inside of you, you believe in our love, you never stopped believing in it

—I-um... Fuck, Calum, why would you do this to me? -she runs her hands through her hair-

—Because I don't want you marrying the wrong person, I know I'm the one, I know you're the one... you know we're meant to be

Tears were now leaving Y/N's eyes, she stands up without saying a word and walks to grab a photo frame of her boyfriend and her, looking at it carefully while I was observing her


—I hate you, Calum Hood -she cries out, I stand up and walk towards her, grabbing carefully both of her arms, she puts the frame back on its place- why on earth would you appear to tell me you love me? Why are you making me doubt my feelings towards Louis?

—I know I would regret my whole life not doing this -I hug her and she hugs me back, crying into my chest, I caress her hair-

Pardon my harsh reaction, you put me on the spot... And if I'm being honest, I'm hoping that I'd get caught, show you I'm unhappy, letting you see my truth

—I-I'm -she wipes the residues of her tears away- I need to talk to Louis, I'm not ending us because of you, let me clarify that -she speaks slowly as she looks into my eyes- Louis' a good man who doesn't deserve a woman who doubts her feelings for him -I was trying so hard to contain my smile, she wasn't marrying anymore- If we ever give a second chance to what used to be our relationship, I hope you know it's not gonna be anytime soon, I need time to think

—I'll wait for you -I assure her while looking at her eyes, she was looking at mine too, our foreheads touch and our eyes lock- I'll wait as long as you need to be waited, but it was always you. I know this isn't any easier for you but I hope you never forget I truly love you, I really do -I close my eyes as I feel her breath hitting my face-

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