This Town - 2nd Part.

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"I missed this" Valerie says as he kisses Calum's lips over and over "so much" she assures him as she sits on his lap, Calum clutching her onto him "so did I" he agrees.

They've been seeing each other differently for the past weeks, enjoying the company and connection they have. For an instance, Valerie thought it wasn't healthy for neither of them to involve these feelings again, but if they were able to part ways in a healthy way when they were younger, what would stop them for doing it now? Now that they've matured in all aspects.

Things got steamy quickly and they weren't able to hold it back. The first time they were together -in this new encounter- was a mixture of emotions, reminiscing their first time and realising how the sparkle wouldn't go away. Although they're adults now, they were a bit reckless in this new encounter, missing -important- things like: protection – Valerie ended up taking the plan B pill, and also bought condoms because of course, they'd be needed.

"Mali's waiting for us" she says as she puts back on the white sundress. "She always makes me wait for her so it's okay if this time I'm 30 minutes late. It was totally worth it" he grabs her by the waist, bringing her into a quick kiss. "Yeah... Remember not to, you know, rat us out with Mali" she bites the insides of her cheek. Yes, they've been seeing each other, but it's between them only – if Calum's family finds out, they'd be more than thrilled and they don't want to get their hopes up when it's just a matter of time till everything goes back to the way it was. "I know" he says, someway, annoyed. She picks up her bag from the floor and starts walking outside the apartment, Calum following her.

He drives them to the restaurant where they'll be meeting Mali for lunch, luckily, she had been able to come to Australia for the holidays. Valerie has also been hanging out with Mali to malls and even, went with her to a studio one night she was called in.

"Mali" Valerie excitedly greets the blonde haired woman, who stands up and hugs Valerie. "Val, how are you?" she smiles back. "Annoyed thanks to your brother" she teases Calum – if there's something these two enjoy to do when they're together, is tease Calum. "Oh, no. Here we go again" he playfully scoffs, making them laugh.

"I can totally understand you. Although I really missed this man" she hugs his brother. The relationship Mali and Calum have is one of the strongest bonds a person could witness, more than siblings, they're best friends, partners in crime. "Well... He is one to miss" Valerie agrees "So, what have you two been up to today?" Mali asks as they take their seats. "Not much" Calum eyes Valerie, she puts effort in holding in a giggle, "Ah. Boring!" Mali relaxes in her chair, a waiter appears, handing them menus – it doesn't take much to order, they had been coming to this restaurants throughout their lives. "How's London?" Valerie curiously asks her friend "I've never been there" she adds, Mali sees that as the perfect opportunity "You should definitely come with me! Maybe Calum can tag along, if he's not busy" Valerie squeals, excited. "That sounds like a plan".

"I don't know if I'm gonna be able to tag along" Calum bursts the bubble, Valerie pouts and Mali shrugs, mainly because she was already expecting that answer. "Why?" Valerie pouts, leaning into Calum's shoulder as they're sitting beside each other. "I knew he'd be busy" Mali giggles "I probably need to go back to L.A and work" Valerie goofily whines, causing the siblings to laugh.

After minutes of entertaining conversation, Calum excuses himself saying he needed to go to the bathroom, leaving the two women alone – it doesn't take Mali long enough but wait for his brother to be out of sight. "He's into you, still. Like, deeply – I can tell" she says excited, Valerie blinks, not knowing what to say. "What?! Don't stare, say something!" the brunette bites the inside of her cheek before giving an answer "Okay. I might... know, about it" she finally says. Mali's eyes widen, excited at the thought of Cal and Val together again. "How'd you know? Did he say something?" Valerie leans back on her seat, trying to relax "Okay, we might've been seeing each other..." the blonde couldn't hold her gasp in "You two! And you kept that from me? Shit, means that now I'm officially back to third-wheeling" And just when he wasn't expected, Calum came back, oblivious about what was going on. "You fucking...! When were you two going to tell me you're dating again?" Calum's eyes widen, he looks at Valerie waiting for an explanation – wasn't she the one who remarked not to say anything suspicious in front of his sister?

"She kind of caught us" Valerie sheepishly says "How so?" Cal and her ignore Mali's presence for a moment. "You're too obvious. Even my mum realised, she was hoping you two got back together" Mali snaps back, gaining the attention again. "Well, we're seeing each other but we're not dating again" Val shyly clarifies, Mali's eyes widen and she looks at her brother "So... you're just fucking?" she boldly asks. None of them want to answer that question, so they just look at each other for a moment, Mali quickly realises she might've been too straightforward with that question "It's not like that's wrong, but... I don't know, you two are such a lovely couple" she shrugs "Thanks, but just a quickly reminder, Calum lives in America and I live in Brisbane. There's no way in hell it'll work, so, please – don't mention anything to Joy or David" Valerie says, sitting straight on her chair, Mali looks at her brother again, as if to say « do something » but Calum only shrugs.

He clears his throat before articulating a word "She's just right. We've been a good couple, in the past, but feels like we're not destined to be together. Sadly." and just as she's been offended, Mali gasps, shaking her head in disapproval "I can't believe you two! You are the ones who make your destiny, nobody else!" Valerie looks down at her hands, playing with them. Mali is right, these two are an incredible couple who just let things go with the flow, they're not interested in building a dam to gain control of the water flow. "What do you... suggest?" the brunette woman asks, Calum, perplexed at her question – he thought she wouldn't be up to make some changes in their lives to be together.

"If I were you, if I had this thing with a person that I've always loved, I would've packed my things and move" she shrugs, smirking whilst looking at their faces. They glance at each other confused, as if their word had been twisted upside down, Mali leaves out an airy chuckle as she realises they're torn. "I think you two have some talking to do" she sips down on her water, thinking she just won the matchmaker thing.


"We actually never talked about it. I mean, I'm aware you've established your life in the States – which led me to think I'm just a fling" Valerie explains herself, they've been talking about plans to make it work. "You're not a fling, you're special..." he starts talking, Val interrupts him "Well, an special fling" she adds humour to the conversation, he laughs, sitting beside her, laying his head on her shoulder. "Cal" she sighs, "What are we gonna do?"

"Marry me." he says, she quickly stands up, her nerves being a wreck, her eyes widened. "What?" she can't believe the words that just came out of his mouth. "I said, marry me" he repeats, even clearer. "Thomas, this is not something to play with..." she fights her watery eyes, Calum stands up and hold her, "I'm not playing. Mali's right, we're the authors of our destinies... I've always wanted you, I've always loved you and that hasn't changed" she looks up at him, tears on her eyes now, he tries to find an answer through her eyes – nervous to be rejected. This is a huge step, he's probably skipping most of the things that should be done in a relationship, but, his family know her and adore her, Calum also met Valerie's mum -she loved him- and family, everybody knows they were that couple, but due to several factors, they had to split up. They've lived way too many things, from having their first time together, falling in love for the first time, meeting the families, everything.

"I understand if you don't want to, I won't hate you. I know it's a big step" he calls out again, and Valerie realises she's been keeping him waiting. "I, sorry, I thought it'd be clear. But I'm going to be clearer: yes, I'll marry you" Calum feels a burden being lifted up from his shoulders and a rush of happiness ran through his system. He lift her up in a hug, then, they melt into a kiss.

"I love you. A lot" he says over and over, she smiles. "I love you. I always have, I always will" she kisses him, and when they break the kiss, there are smiles plastered on their faces "Valerie Hood... That sounds so amazing" he amusingly says, causing her to giggle "I can't wait"

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