Robin Hood

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Could've been my happy ever after living like we're in a fairytale

When everybody tells you someone's not good for you but still, you stay. That's the drill with Calum and Y/N, they're that passionate but toxic relationship, they're always on and off, Y/N would usually come with Calum on tour but at the middle of it, she storms out without an explanation over jealousy or just another discussion, but still, there was no one like them, you look at them and you don't know if you despite that relationship or if you want one like theirs, they love each other, hell they do, but there's some toxic to it that they haven't been able to figure out.

But you and me we're more like a disaster, I should've known

Everything started out when Y/N parent's found out about Calum's job, they tried to intoxicate Y/N thoughts about how musicians live their life, but the heart want what it wants.

"I can't believe your parents treated me that way when I was nothing but respectful to them" Calum spats, he was really mad, he went to visit his in-laws along with his girlfriend but it was more than clear that he wasn't welcomed on that place "I'm really sorry, Cal. I don't know what's wrong with them... But you gotta understand them a bit, they're old and close minded" but even she knew it wasn't an excuse, Calum's parents were old too but they treated her like another daughter, being always so nice to her and this was a big flaw of the relationship, if they wanted to start a family together in the future, they'll need to have a good relationship with both of the families

Intoxicated by your reputation, I can see the mischief in your eyes

"That's not an excuse, my parents are old too and they treat you with respect" he began to clench his jaw, but the truth is, he had the right to be mad "Yeah but that's because I'm not a singer or in a band, I don't travel around the world with a hundred of fans dying for me" she tries to explain her parents' point of view, but it ended up coming out wrong, Calum let out an airy scoff "What do you mean with that? That I'm supposed to cheat on you because I have many girls?" he tightened his grip around the steering wheel, he couldn't believe she was actually trying to excuse her parents, he understood they were her parents but when someone does a bad thing, there's nothing that you could do to defend them

Trusted you despite my reservations, now I'm alone

"When are you going to stand up for your beliefs?" Calum said once he noticed his girlfriend wasn't going to answer to his previous question "They're my parents, all I have, Calum, I can't just fight them knowing they'll take everything bad and end up not talking to me" Y/N's parents not only were close minded but they always hold grudges no matter who it is and she was afraid to fight her parents and end up alone "So what am I? Nothing to you?" Y/N clicks her tongue "You're not understanding me..." but her boyfriend cut her off "No, you're not understanding me. They're your parents, I get it, but I'm your boyfriend" he pauses to catch some air, he was feeling breathless "I haven't done anything but treat you like you deserve to be treated, your parents treat you like shit, don't respect your beliefs and you don't stop them from doing it, you're not a kid anymore, are they going to control your whole life or what?"

I was so rich with all this love, you wanted it, I was so dumb

"Can you understand that I'm never cutting them off my life?" Now tears of frustration were filling Y/N eyes "Fuck! Babe, can you fucking understand that I'm not asking you to cut them off your life? I'm asking you to live your fucking life the way you want to live it" he was so frustrated and tired of seeing his loved one being held by her parents, he was tired of listening to her cry while she showers because she doesn't get to be free thanks to her squared minded parents "Then you should get by now that this is how I want to live my life. Cope with it or leave" she couldn't even believe the words leaving her mouth, she just gave Calum an ultimatum and knowing him, he'd take it. That was a hell of a mistake

I gave you all I had to lose: my skin, my soul, my finest jewels

"You know what? I won't cope with that shit, I won't live an unhappy life just because my girlfriend decides to be unhappy" tears began to stream down his face "all because you don't have the ovaries to admit to your parents that you fucking love me!" He shouted, as soon as he got the chance, he parked the car on the side way, hitting the steering wheel to then cover his face with both hands, Calum was crying like a little kid meanwhile Y/N had nothing to say, there was no excuse, she knows her parents think Calum's just a fling or an act to piss her parents and she won't do anything to change it, Calum, on the other hand, visited them as much as he was able to, whenever he went on tour he'd bring her parents gifts from each country, he was trying so hard to make it all work but she wasn't... And in a relationship both should put effort, but it took long for Calum to realize it

I had a feeling and I should have listened, now there's no us

Calum was there, balling his eyes out, it was the first time she's ever seen him like this & she won't do anything to make it stop, she was speechless, her hands were shaking but she knew no matter how hard she'd try, that she won't woman up and stand to her parents "I'm sorry" it's all she could say before leaving the car, she starts walking as she takes her phone out to call an Uber, she was in shock but Calum was worse, he couldn't believe it. The only woman he's ever loved, the person who taught him love's not dead just left him, because she didn't loved him enough to let her parents know that their relationship was a serious one.

Calum breathes in, cleaning the tears off his face and starts the car again, looking one last time at the woman he loves, but he was sure he made the right decision, Y/N wouldn't risk her life for him, meanwhile he had put everything at risk for her, even his career.

This imagine was based on the song Robin Hood by Anson Seabra, if you haven't listened to it, you should, it's the best.

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