Drug Lord pt. II

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I've been feeling sick for the past month, not only physically but emotionally, I couldn't stop thinking about the huge mess I'm in, in love with a criminal while working for the authorities.

—Babe -Calum entered our bathroom, I was throwing up- oh god -he comes near me and starts rubbing my back while grabbing my hair-

—I can't take this anymore -I whine- I also need to leave this house, Calum. I feel trapped, claustrophobic -he helps me stand up from the floor and I walk to the sink to brush my teeth and wash my face-

—A Doctor is on his way, I promise that as soon as you get checked, I'll take you whenever you want to

—I hate your house -I cry out- I really do, whenever you leave I stay here around a bunch of scary people whom I don't know or talk to, this isn't healthy for my mind

—I-uh -I cut him out-

—Don't even say it's for my safety

—Let's change that then, I don't want you feeling down

—Please -I pout-

—How bad are you feeling? -Calum asks in such a sweet voice, he just arrived from a "meeting"-

Funny how all of his workers look at him as if he's the devil himself, whenever he's around they get so tensed, if the only knew how Calum really was they wouldn't believe it at all.


—Did they chefs spoiled you? I left orders that everybody should get you whatever you want

—They're really kind, Rose is the kindest -I say, I really enjoyed talking to the old lady who worked at the kitchen of the manor- but I'm not hungry, she made me eat a bowl of chicken noodle soup because it was supposed to make me feel better but I just threw it out of my stomach

—Then we should get you something else -he says worried-

There's suddenly a knock on the door, Calum asked loudly "who's there?" with a despicable voice, I rolled my eyes at that and hit his arm weakly

—What? -he mumbled looking at me amused-

—Don't be like that

—I have to, you know it

Calum has a reputation to maintain and I get that, but he doesn't have to be this grumpy man with everybody around him, even those who don't deserve it

—It's Rose, sir. The doctor just arrived

He stands up from the bed to open the door, Rose hesitated at that, there was a doctor beside him who I've never seen before along with an assistant

—Come on in -Calum motions him to enter the room-

—Nice to meet you, I'm doctor Williams, this is Lucas, my son and assistant

They shake hands stiffly and the doctor comes near me, asking me a bunch of things and running a lot of tests, Calum and him were mostly talking, he was really worried for my health asking a bunch of questions in order for me to get better or at least to know what's best for me, around an hour later, Lucas the assistant came back to the room with a smile plastered on his face

—I already know what's wrong with you

—Let me check the exams -his father snatched away the papers from his hands- oh, why didn't I think of this? -he lightly chuckles-

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