31. Feeling some type of way

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TW // Mature content ahead

Bellamy watched helplessly as Clarke, Raven and Finn walked up to them. Clarke and Raven were laughing happily together about who knew what and Finn was watching them and smiling at Clarke as though she'd hung the moon. Bellamy tried not to growl when Finn held Clarke closer to him. Raven looked more than happy surprisingly, laughing with Clarke and swatting Finn's arm whenever he made a bad joke. All Bellamy could do was stare at the scene before him. He could sense Echo eyeing him, concerned but he didn't care. It was only when Murphy snorted gracelessly that Bellamy realised he had been staring.

"That's my ticket out of here losers." Murphy grinned wickedly, enjoying the situation far too much for his own good.

Bellamy opened his mouth to speak when a soft voice interrupted him.

"Hey Murphy, ready to leave?"

Bellamy glanced away from Murphy to look a Clarke and damn it up close she looked even hotter.

"Definitely. Although we could just hang here, it's a really nice place." Murphy smirked and Bellamy knew what Murphy was doing.

"Definitely," replied Raven, who was catching on to Murphy's plan, "This is a great bar."

Clarke and Finn glanced around the bar and Finn whispered something into her ear causing Clarke to giggle and Bellamy clenched his jaw.

"Sound's good." Clarke said before offering her hand to Raven, asking if she wanted to dance. Raven accepted and soon they were dancing on the dance floor together like they had nothing to lose. Bellamy couldn't help but growl as he saw Finn also make his way towards the girls and they giggled as he danced with them. Murphy laughed which caused Bellamy's head to snap back to Murphy.

"You did this on purpose!" Bellamy seethed and Murphy just grinned wider.

"I suppose I did." He replied.

Bellamy was so close to swinging at Murphy and beating him up when Echo's voice stopped him.

"A-are you okay babe?" Echo asked, concern filling her voice as she stood up and draped an arm around his waist. He was about to tell her to go home when a new, rough, intimidating voice stopped him, yet again.

"Echo?" The voice asked. Immediately all three of them turned to see a tall, mafia looking man and Bellamy felt Echo stiffen next to him.

"I'm sorry. Who the hell are you?" Bellamy asked, sternly. He was honestly done with the whole situation and just wanted to grab Clarke who looked far too sexy and go home.

"I'm Roan. Echo's boyfriend! What the hell Echo." The man yelled and Echo flinched away from him but it didn't stop Bellamy from looking at her accusingly.

"Is this true?" He asked and she just pouted.

"You know what Echo, I'm done with you. You've been doing this all week." Roan scoffed, clearly frustrated. Then it was Echo's turn to scoff but hurt was written all over her face. Bellamy glanced at Murphy who looked very uncomfortable and in the middle of it all and he slowly slipped away and walked towards Clarke and Raven who were laughing at Finn.

"Please," Echo sneered, "What the hell are you going to do? Leave me and find someone else? Who?"

Roan smirked and glanced towards where Murphy had just gone and pointed.

"That hot blonde over there looks like a great replacement." He replied and Bellamy's breath hitched in his throat when he realised that Roan was talking about Clarke. Roan walked away and Echo started apologising and making excuses but Bellamy didn't hear her. All he could see was Roan, Finn and Raven flirting and laughing with Clarke who was leaning into Murphy. He finally understood what it meant to see red. Because at that moment, all he could see was red. He watched as Clarke excused herself from her friends to go to the bathroom. That's when he knew he had to act.

"Whatever Echo. Go home." He flipped her off and ignored her as she tried to protest, instead walking towards Clarke who was retreating from her friends. Drunk would not be able to excuse what he did next. No. Although he was drunk what he did next was inexcusable. As she walked towards the bathroom he grabbed her wrist and pinned her against a wall. He pressed her wrists into the wall above her head and pressed his body against her so she had no where to run. He adjusted his leg so that his knee locked with her lower thigh. It was dark in that corridor and no one could see them. It was just the two of them.

"Bellamy what the hell?" She wheezed as he pushed her further to the wall. He could feel her breasts through her thin dress against his chest and it was arousing. She was glaring at him, and she had every right to considering he was pinning her wrists above her head in a dark corridor but hell, why did she have to look hot when she was pissed. Definitely not the kind of thing a police officer would do, he couldn't help but think. He leaned forward so that her face was an inch away from hers and this close, he could smell the wild berry scent of her shampoo. Crap.

"I know what you're doing," he murmured and he closed his eyes momentarily, loving the way she felt against him, "you came here in this dress and now everyone is flirting with you and you love how that affects me."

"What the hell are you talking about?" She hissed, squirming from under him. He brought his lips up to ghost her pulse point and he felt her shudder causing a small smirk to grace his face.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." He muttered raising his head to search her eyes again.

"Bellamy you're drunk. We both are. Now let go of me so that we can go home." She said and he realised that she was right. He was drunk and they should go home. He let her go and moved away, looking down at his shoes sheepishly as he followed her outside. The rest was a blur, well most of it. Clarke announced that they should go home and they had all agreed, well except until Bellamy found out that Clarke intended to stay at Raven's house for the night.

"Why?" Bellamy asked and Clarke turned to glare at him.

"I feel like staying at Raven's tonight so Murphy is going to drop me off at her place. Is there something wrong with that?"

That's when what Bellamy had done really dawned on him and he realised that he screwed up their friendship for the foreseeable future.


Clarke woke up the next day next to Raven with a terrible headache. She sat up trying to remember what happened and soon enough all the memories came flooding back including one specific one. Bellamy. She shook her head, wanting the memory to leave her mind. Wanting the image of him staring at her as though she were the only thing he wanted to disappear. She looked over at Raven, who was still fast asleep and decided to go see Murphy and Emori since she hadn't done that in a while. She nudged Raven awake and the brunette stirred.

"I'm going out Rae. I'll see you later." Clarke whispered to her.

"Mkay, love you." Raven muttered and Clarke smiled softly at her.

"Love you more." She replied, placing a chaste kiss to the top of her head.

She rushed out, closing the door behind her and texting Murphy to meet her at her favourite cafe. And then her phone vibrated. She looked down to see who it was and her breathe hitched in her throat. It was from Bellamy.

HEYYY GUYS. so I'm really sorry I haven't posted in a while, school is giving me hell. Also I was an idiot and chose three sciences for my GCSE which definitely was a bad move. anyways I really hope you guys like the chapter. I was bullied into putting some sexual tension between bellarke but to be honest it's been a VERY slowburn so I was happy to put that in there. anyways I love you guys and have a great day.

IMPORTANT: I also noticed you guys ranting in the comments and I wanted to say that my comment box is a completely safe place to rant and talk if your feeling down or just want to rant. I'm here for you all. Love you 🥺❤️

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