9. The Art of Civil War

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"That was unnecessary Bellamy." A soft voice said from behind him.

His head snapped in her direction immediately and glared at her. 

"Shut up Princess!" He hissed and she sighs. 

Clarke knew from the moment Octavia invited her and Bellamy out, that it wasn't just for a subtle dinner. 

"Hey Clarke," Octavia said,"Whats up?"

"What are you doing?" Clarke asked

"What do you mean?" She asked a little too innocently. Clarke rolled her eyes.

"I know you Tav. You wouldn't invite me and your brother for dinner if there wasn't a twist." Clarke explained while Octavia laughed.

"Okay fine.." She paused, "I might have invited Lincoln."

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Clarke yelled, catching Bellamy's attention who was sitting opposite her reading peacefully. She mouthed a quick 'sorry' before waiting for Octavia to reply.

"You think it's a bad idea?" Octavia asked, "I mean he has to meet my boyfriend, eventually."

"Of course, it's a bad idea!" She hissed. She could feel Bellamy study her but chose to ignore it.

"Look, maybe you could calm him down before he gets here," Octavia suggested and the blonde scoffed.

"Trust me, if I managed to 'calm him down,' I'd deserve an Emmy!" She said and Octavia chuckled.

"Look Clarke, I already invited Lincoln and you know he's a good guy. I just want Bellamy to meet him. I don't have to tell him he's my boyfriend just yet." Octavia explained.

"Okay." Clarke relented, hesitantly.

"Anyway, what's up with you? Any drama?" The brunette asked. 

"Wells showed up the other day." She said and Clarke felt Bellamy look up from his book at the mention of 'Wells'. 

"That jerk!" Octavia yelled and Clarke physically winced at the sound.

"Thanks for temporarily bursting my ear drums, Tav. " Clarke said sarcastically and Bellamy snorted as he got up to leave the room.

"Please tell me you beat him up?" Octavia asked and Clarke sighed.

"Nope." She replied.

"Well are you okay, because I can come over and-"

"No, no its okay." Clarke interrupts quickly. 

"Alright then, I'll see you later, Clarkey. Love you."

"Love you more."

As Clarke got in the passenger seat of Bellamy's car she immediately had an uneasy feeling in her gut. She knew the moment Bellamy set eyes on Lincoln he would flip out. That's the last thing she wanted. She'd met Lincoln multiple times in the past and he was a genuinely good, caring guy who took great care of Octavia. Clarke and Lincoln had even bonded in the past for their love of art. Clarke knew that Lincoln was the right one for Tav. She also knew that Bellamy wouldn't think so. 

Maybe you could calm him down before he gets here. Octavia's words come back to her.

"Thanks again for yesterday." Clarke said sheepishly, hating the things she did for Octavia. "I really didn't want to deal with him."

Bellamy nodded and offered her a forced smile that didn't meet his eyes.

"I could tell." He paused for a moment. "I really don't care but what is it with you two?"

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