3. Deals with the devil

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Previously on mistakes : Clarke stopped when she saw a familiar face. "Clarke?" The man asked.

Before she could say anything Miller's arms were wrapped around Clarke, squeezing the air out of her.

"Miller. I thought I wouldn't see you again!" Clarke gasped returning the hug.

"You two know each other?" Octavia asked, interrupting their small reunion.

"Yeah Miller, you know the princess?" Bellamy said causing Clarke to shoot him a glare.

"We were friends in college," Miller said releasing Clarke from the hug "We got into all sorts of trouble didn't we Clarke."

Clarke only nodded. Her mind was in other places.

"Well I'm just finishing dinner. Why don't you guys sit down and catch up?" Octavia smiled.

Clarke, Miller and Bellamy were sat around the dinner table talking but Clarke wasn't really in the moment.

"So Clarke, I can't believe you slapped your boss!" Miller laughed.

"Yeah." Clarke mumbled, she didn't even want to ask how he found out.

"Did the princess lose her job?" Bellamy smirked.

Clarke shook her head, not in the mood to argue with him about him using that nickname.

"Glad to hear you're still getting away with your crimes." Miller smiled.

"You don't even know." Clarke muttered, catching the boys' attention.

Clarke whispered something about going to the restroom and left the table to go to Octavia's bathroom. She sat on the tiles and leaned her head on the bathroom door. She had no idea how she was going to get out of this mess. She didn't want to live in fear that one day someone might storm into her house and take her to prison. She stood up and looked at her reflection in the mirror. Maybe no one will ever find out, she thought to herself as she went out of the bathroom to join the others.

"Dinner is served." Octavia said in a sing-song voice while placing food on the table. 

"Oh my gosh, I forgot how well you cook!" Clarke moaned in pleasure, scanning the food.

"And I forgot how much you love my cooking." Octavia laughed giving her friend shoulder a squeeze before sitting down.

"Clarke, remember that one time you almost burnt out college down in cooking class," Miller laughed "People called you Clarke a spark for a week!"

Clarke forced a smile before burying her face into her palm.

"I remember you being the one who created that nickname." She smiled weakly.

"Was I?" he laughed mischievously.

Clarke nodded while the boys erupted in laughter.

"What's up with you girl?" Octavia asked "You're acting strange."

"N-nothing, I'm fine." Clarke stuttered, avoiding eye contact.

Bellamy and Miller looked at her with curiosity in their eyes.

"Clarke is there something you're not telling me?" Octavia asked quietly.

"No." Her voice cracked making her wince.

"Clarke your-"

"I'm serious, there's nothing!" Clarke interrupted her.

"Its not that Clarke," Octavia pointed at Clarke's face "Your nose is bleeding."

Clarke instantly placed her index finger against her nose before checking it to see a red, gooey liquid smeared across it. She cursed under her breath before heading to the bathroom. She closed the door behind her and leaned against it breathing heavily. She knew coming here was a bad idea. The blonde picked up some toilet roll and dabbed it against her nose. She knew from being a Doctor that the reasonable thing to do was go home, take some medication and rest but she knew if she did that everyone would know something was wrong. Clarke's thoughts were interrupted when Octavia burst into the bathroom.

"Clarke what happened? You've been acting weird all-"

"Look Octavia, your my best friend and I trust you more than anyone but right now I have to figure this out alone okay," Clarke sighed before putting a reassuring hand on her friends shoulder "I promise I'll tell you if I need anything."

Octavia stared into her eyes and Clarke search for any kind of resentment but there was none.

"Clarke I'm always here for you. Just know that okay. Please let me know what you're going through eventually huh?" She asked.

Clarke nodded before hugging her best friend. If only she knew.

The boys looked up expectantly when the girls came out of the bathroom but Octavia gave them a warning look. Soon enough they had started small talk and all four of them tried to pretend that nothing was wrong for Clarke's sake.

"So have you had any luck searching for a place?" Octavia asked her brother curiously.

"A place?" Clarke questioned. She hadn't been paying much attention to the conversation until then.

"Yeah, I've been looking for a place to stay for the next few months. Miller's staying with a relative and Octavia can't keep me here. At this point, I'm honestly desperate." He exhaled heavily.

Anything said after that became white noise to Clarke. Even though her job paid extremely well she was still trying to pay off her student debt. Recently her and her mom had stopped talking for reasons which were unknown to Clarke. Her mom hadn't been helping her pay her rent, which lead her to the conclusion that if Bellamy stayed in her guest bedroom and payed half her rent, she would be able to pay off her student debt. But she didn't know whether staying with that jerk was even worth half her rent. She'd have to see him everyday and she knew that even if she was doing him a favor, he would give her hell. But he was also Octavia's brother. 

"You could stay with me if you want?" Clarke winced and bit her tongue.

Bellamy and Octavia looked up in shock while Miller smiled.

"I know you too well Griffin. There's something you want from him." Miller gave his friend a knowing look.

Clarke breathed out heavily. Miller did know her well. She didn't even know if she knew who she was recently.

"I need you to pay half my rent." Clarke choked out.

"You haven't payed off your student debt, have you?" Miller asked.

Clarke shook her head, staring at the floor.

"You could've told me. I would've-" Miller started

"No I wouldn't let you do that." Clarke ran a hand through her hair.

"What about your mom?" Octavia intervened.

"I uh- I don't know where she is." She replied.

"So the surgeon can't pay off her rent, now can she?" Bellamy toyed.

"Bell don't!" Octavia warned.

"I don't want your lecture Bellamy! About how I'm given everything or I'm less than I'm worth because I'm done with it." Clarke said dryly.

"I might have to take you up on that offer princess."

Heyy guys. I'm so sorry that this is really short but the next chapter won't be. Also season 7 comes out in a day and I'm really excited. Love you all!

Madison xx

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