14. I trusted you

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Bellamy stood in the kitchen in shock.

"What?!" Bellamy hissed, quietly into his phone.

"Ms. Griffin is being arrested on suspicion of unlawfully stealing and misusing a non-FDA approved drug on a patient. I need you to handcuff Ms. Griffin immediately and bring her down to the station so we can process her and legally charge her in order to start the investigation. Officer Bryan is on the way now with the police car. He'll be there in five minutes." Cage explained calmly.

Bellamy was overwhelmed. He took a peak around the kitchen to look at Clarke. Clarke who had just lost her mother; Clarke who had offered him a place to stay; Clarke who took care of Octavia for six years voluntarily; Clarke who had made him breakfast and lunch everyday without him asking; Clarke who had hid her feelings so that she didn't hurt anyone. Clarke. The anger was boiling up inside of him like a fierce animal waiting to be unleashed.

"You can't be serious! She's just lost her mother and you want me to arrest her?" He snapped at Cage.

"Officer Blake I will not ask you again. You will follow orders and not question me." Cage said sternly.

"You can't seriously be asking me to arrest my roommate. She trusts me!" Bellamy fumed.

"Is that a weakness Bellamy?" Cage asked sharply. Bellamy snapped his mouth shut not knowing how to answer. Was Clarke a weakness. He shouldn't think so. They weren't even friends. Or were they? When Bellamy didn't reply Cage continued.

"I don't think you understand Officer Blake." Cage said harshly, "If you don't arrest Ms. Griffin at this moment I will fire you. And then you won't have any money to support that sweet little sister of yours! Is that what you want?"

Bellamy's heart was pounding in his chest. This was not happening. He was not doing this. But then Bellamy thought of his sister; of how he'd spent six years of his life away from her, doing this job so that he could support her. He thought about how all of that work could be wasted in a blink of an eye. His sister, his responsibility.

"Now Bellamy, will you do as I ask?" Cage asked.

Bellamy cleared his throat. His palms were sweaty and he was shaking slightly. He squeezed his eyes shut and willed out the words that he genuinely didn't want to say for once.

"Yes sir."

Bellamy quietly let Bryan into the apartment. Bryan surprisingly looked as guilty as he did. Bellamy bit his lip furiously and then the two of them walked towards the living room where Murphy and Clarke were perched on the couch.

"Clarke." Bellamy said flatly.

Clarke looked up at him with a small smile and there was almost a look of fondness in her eyes, but her face fell immediately when she saw Bryan.

"W-what?" She muttered.

Her eyes flickered to the handcuffs Bellamy was holding and then back to his face. Her eyes widened in realization and her entire form changed. Bellamy could practically feel the anxiety rolling off her in waves.

"No." She whispered quietly and it took everything inside of Bellamy to hold back his tears. At that point Murphy looked up and seemed to realize what was happening too because he immediately stood in front of Clarke protectively.

"What the hell man!" He yelled.

Bryan immediately went up to Murphy and held him back, holding his arms behind his back and moving him away from Clarke.

our hearts are made of steel Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora