27. Under their watching eyes

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Clarke shuddered as she walked towards Brook's office. She knew how this would end. Brook would kill her. She was going to die. She tried not to think about that as she was following Brook to her office. The sound of their footsteps echoing on the marble floor was enough to make Clarke's adrenaline run faster in her veins. She had a pit in her stomach, afraid of the events that were to come. Once they got there, Brook closed the door and Clarke knew that she had no intention of opening it again. Her boss just stood there for a while. The silence was making the entire situation more disturbing for Clarke and she squirmed uncomfortably. The silence was so loud. She genuinely wondered if Brook was a sick psychopath. Clarke reached into her pocket, just in case she had to call someone for help until she noticed that her phone had no signal and it made her skin crawl. She shuddered. Brook must know that the signal wouldn't work in her office. The thought frightened Clarke and her face whitened as though she'd seen a ghost. The lights in the corner of the room were flickering which just made the whole scenario more eerie.

"So Dr Griffin, how have you been feeling recently?" She asked, innocently, tilting her head as though to assess her. Clarke immediately panicked, shifting her weight slightly.

"F-fine." Clarke replied, trying not to stutter. Brook was only a foot away from her and the lack of distance was making Clarke nervous. Brook took the opportunity to move closer to Clarke. Her hands began to shake and sweat as she tried to stall.

"So you're saying you haven't been having any headaches, stomach pains, nausea?" Brook asked.

"No." Clarke lied and Brook flashed her a bitter smile.

"And you haven't taken any medication?" She asked, slowly taking another step forward.

"No I- ahh," Clarke gasped as Brook stuck a needle in her neck. Brook smiled at her and brought her face closer to Clarke's.

"Well that's too bad sweetie. What is it you people say? Your fight is over." Brook hissed and Clarke started to feel lightheaded. Brook kneeled slightly and took a firm grip of Clarke's arm as her legs swayed underneath her.

"W-what did you," Clarke paused, struggling to breathe, "What did you d-do to me?"

Brook laid Clarke down in the corner of the room and smirked down at her. In that moment she genuinely did look like the villain in any fiction movie.

"Oh this?" She asked, examining the injection, "oh this old thing will sedate you until dear old Dax comes and takes care of you."

Clarke tried to growl at Brook but it came out as more of a desperate whimper. Brook tutted at her in fake sympathy and kneeled next to her.

"Oh sweetie don't worry, you'll be dead soon and then you won't have to fight anymore. You'll be at peace Clarke." Brook cooed.

Clarke let out another whimper as her eyes started to close. She could feel the contents of the injection taking effect in her body. She was panicking. There was no where to go. No way out. All of her darkest fears were coming for her. As her eyes glazed over and her vision darkened, out of the corner of her eyes she saw the door open and light fill the room.


The door burst open and Bellamy, Brian and Miller ran inside.

"Dr Brook, you're under arrest for attempted murder." Brian announced as he approached the woman herself.

The moment Bellamy caught sight of Clarke, he immediately tensed. He ran towards her and kneeled down next to her, caressing her hair away from her face. Her eyes were dilated and clouded over as they closed.

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