28. The hunt for Clarke Griffin

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TW: Graphic mentions of violence.

The wind blew roughly on the rooftop of the building. It was past midnight and the sky was illuminated by the moon. Dax approached Dante and Cage cautiously.

"Brook has been compromised sir. The target got away."

There was a pause and he held his breathe as the men stood in silence. After a moment Dante turned around and glared at him in the dark.

"Call my lawyer. Send him to bail Brook out of there." Dante ordered.

"And the girl sir?" He asked.

"Kill her." Cage's harsh tone pierced through the silence.

"Sir, I told you. She got away-"

"Then find her!" Cage growled and he turned around to glare at Dax, "and don't screw up this time."

Dax nodded and left the building. He knew his orders. Find Clarke Griffin and kill her.


Bellamy's eyes fluttered open to the sound of rain. It was pattering softly against the windows and the noise was soothing. Bellamy shifted over to get up but stopped when he felt something warm snuggled into his side. He startled when he saw Clarke sound asleep next to him. He remembered falling asleep next to her but the sight still shook him. He smiled slightly when she sighed in her sleep and snuggled closer to him. He took a moment to appreciate the look of peace present on her face while snuggled next to him. He used his knee to kick her in the shin causing her to groan and her eyes to open slowly.

"Wake up, lazy!" He commanded and Clarke groaned again causing him to laugh, "Cmon."

"You're so mean." She complained and rolled over on the couch so she wasn't facing him. Bellamy smirked at her laziness before standing up and pulling her with him.

"Get up. My god your heavy." He complained as he lifted her up.

"Hey! Watch it! I'm 5,3" She exclaimed. Bellamy chuckled and set her down. Clarke just rolled her eyes and looked around the apartment.

"I'm going to go change. I need to get to work." She explained and walked towards her room. Bellamy watched her walk into her room, slightly concerned that she was going to work after all that happened. She came out a few minutes later wearing light blue jeans and a white blouse.

"I'll see you later." She said, grabbing her bag on her way out the apartment.

"Yeah, see ya." Bellamy muttered, mostly to himself than to her. He feared that letting her go to work was a bad idea.


Dax sat in the van and watched as Clarke walked out of her apartment building in her work clothes. She looked at ease and it surprised Dax slightly. Someone had tried to kill her the day before and yet she was acting as though nothing had happened. Naive, he thought. He picked up his binoculars and watched closely.

"All units, I have eyes on Delta." Dax muttered into his earpiece, not leaving his eyes from her position.

"Copy that." Gustus replied.

She walked down the road and into a coffee shop. They had studied her. They knew her routine. Her blonde hair swayed against her back as she walked out with a cup of steaming coffee.

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