20. Something's wrong with me

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Clarke was hunched over the toilet in her apartment, throwing up her earlier meal. She had no idea what was causing this but it frightened her. Bellamy was waiting outside her bathroom door after she insisted he leave her alone. The moment Bellamy had got to their apartment, Bellamy had helped her into the bathroom once she woke. She had pushed him outside of the room. She didn't want him to see her like this. The moment the door was locked she slipped out of her dress and into a grey hoodie and light-blue ripped jeans. Her head was burning up and she couldn't think properly. She struggled to keep her eyes open as she kneeled next to the toilet. Bellamy knocked on the door asking if he could come in a few moments later. Clarke leaned over to open the door of the bathroom. He walked into the bathroom and instantly knelt next to her.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah." She replied even though they both knew that wasn't true. Bellamy huffed.

"What were you doing, walking around by yourself?" He asked but it just triggered her.

"What was I doing?" Clarke exclaimed, "What were you doing in the ladies bathroom, you perv!"

Bellamy's face immediately flushed and he stared at the floor.

"I was walking around and I saw you tripping into the bathroom and went to see if you were okay."

"So you thought it was an excellent idea to go into the woman's bathroom! That's just rude." Clarke shrieked in disgust.

"That's not what I was doing. You looked like you were about to pass out. If I wasn't there, you wouldn't be home right now." Bellamy sighed and scrubbed a hand down his face.

"I can handle myself just fine." Clarke protested, "I was going to call Murphy and ask him for a ride home."

"Well how was that going for you?" Bellamy asked.

"Well it would have went just fine but you decided to be the knight in shining armor and take me against my free will!" Clarke growled which frustrated Bellamy.

"You were letting me carry you! You let me hold back your hair. You didn't protest." Bellamy yelled.

"I didn't even know who you were. I thought you were Murphy or Miller or something!" She argued.

"I'm sorry if you don't trust me because of what happened," Bellamy said softly, bringing up the unspoken thing, "but I swear I was just making sure you were okay."

He placed his hand on her forearm and at that same moment Clarke's head started pounding and flashes of a memory came into her mind. A ringing struck her ears and all she could do was watch.

You think you can get out of this?" A harsh voice snarled, his nails digging into her forearm and she flinched away.

She squirmed from where she was tied up, letting out a quiet sob.

"Please- please stop." She begged desperately. She wasn't one to beg.

Clarke stumbled slightly, the sound of her own sob confusing her.

The mans fist came into contact with her face. He shot her a toothy-grin when he saw blood pooling out of her nose.

"Not so strong anymore, are you?" He asked.

She let out another sob.

"Don't do this!"

The man smirked and lifted a needle above her forearm that he was gripping.

"Don't worry, you won't remember any of this tomorrow."

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