18. Bonded by blood

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Clarke stared at Lincoln in shock. She was overwhelmed with this new information. Clarke wondered if that was the reason that her head was pounding. She wondered if her shock was the explanation to the severe stomach pain she was getting.

"Are you serious?" Clarke asked, but for some reason she didn't keep eye contact.

"Yeah," He replied and Clarke could hear the fondness in his voice, "I'm going to propose in a few days."

Clarke's eyes flickered back to his eyes for just a moment and she smiled. Suddenly her head was throbbing worse than before and she winced slightly. What was going on?

"Are you okay, Clarke." Lincoln asked, leaning forward slightly.

"Yeah, yeah no I'm great." Clarke lied straight through her teeth and tried to ignore the excruciating pain.

"The thing is," Lincoln said nervously, "I have to ask Bellamy for his approval."

Clarke winced at the mere idea and Lincoln smiled softly at her.

"You see my situation, huh?" Lincoln laughed and the noise just made Clarke's head feel worse. She clutched her stomach under the table, hoping he wouldn't see the action.

"Why don't you ask him now?" Clarke usually wouldn't suggest something like that, but she wasn't thinking straight and she was desperate for the engagement to happen.

"Now?" Lincoln asked, raising his eyebrows in question.

"Well, you said you want to propose to Octavia in a few days. You don't have that long. Plus, if I'm here I can yell and guilt him into agreeing." Clarke explained but Lincoln looked unconvinced.

"Guilt him?" He asked and Clarke nodded smugly.

"He arrested me. Might as well get something out of it." She mused mischievously and Lincoln smirked at her.

"I-okay I guess but shouldn't I ask him in a restaurant or something. Maybe buy him something." He suggested and Clarke laughed. She internally winced, however, as the action made the pounding in her head increase.

"Trust me, Bellamy isn't that kind of guy." She said before opening her phone and dialing Bellamy's number. He answered her immediately and his voice sounded worried.

"Clarke? Are you okay?" He asked, rushed and Clarke scoffed at his immediate assumption.

"I'm fine Bellamy. I'm not weak, I can handle myself just fine without you smothering me." Clarke lectured while Bellamy huffed.

"What is it then?" He asked.

"I was wondering if you could come to the coffee shop down the street from the funeral?" She asked, hoping that he could hear the small plead in her voice. Bellamy was reluctant however.

"Why?" He asked hesitantly, "Do you want me to take you home?"

Clarke's eyes flickered to Lincoln for confirmation. He nodded, giving Clarke the green light.

"I just wanted to talk. There's something really important Bellamy. Like it would mean a lot to me." She begged and she could hear Bellamy sigh.

"Fine. I'm on my way."


When Bellamy arrived at the small coffee shop, Clarke's migraine had left but the pain in her stomach was still there. She stood up and walked over to him before he could lay his eyes on Lincoln.

"Bellamy." She said, swaying slightly on her feet. What was happening to her?

"You alright?" He asked and his arms shot out to steady her but she flinched away from his touch.

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