2. familiar faces

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Octavia opened her front door to reveal her brother Bellamy and his best friend Miller.

"Big brother!" Octavia greeted her brother, happily pulling him into a hug.

"Hey O." Bellamy laughed returning the hug.

"You must be Miller." Octavia smiled after she pulled away from her brother.

"The one and only." Miller teased

"Nice to meet you." She laughed softly.

"So, how was your flight?" Octavia asked. The boys were sat at Octavia's table, drinking the coffee she had just made for them.

"It was exhausting." Bellamy groaned causing Miller laugh.

Suddenly Octavia's phone started vibrating from her table.

"It's Monty." Miller said, reading the contact that had popped up on her screen.

"Oh answer it and put it on speaker." Octavia said looking up from her task. Miller did as she asked.

"Hello?" Monty's voice sounded nervous through the phone.

"Monty whats wrong? Are you okay?" Octavia asked concerned, walking towards the table with a cup of coffee.

"Uh, the Doc might have gotten herself in a situation." Monty said.

"What did Clarke do?" Octavia sighed.

Bellamy rolled his eyes. He and his sister's best friend had never gotten on. Clarke and Bellamy couldn't stand each other. Bellamy saw her as a snobby, privileged girl and Clarke saw him as a complete jerk.

"Well," Monty started nervously "She may have slapped Brook"

Octavia practically spat out the coffee that was in her mouth.

"She slapped her boss!" Octavia yelled in dismay.

Bellamy and Miller looked up at this surprised. Bellamy didn't believe that Clarke would slap her boss. She loved her job and he couldn't imagine her putting it at risk even if she was illogical.

"Yeah." Monty sighed.

"Why?" Octavia cocked her head sideways in confusion.

Monty explained the situation and the small trio was now hunched over Octavia's phone.

"Well Clarke was always stubborn but she could get fired for slapping her boss!" Octavia gasped.

"Look, I'd better go. We are trying to sort out the situation. Brook is going to kill Clarke the moment she opens the infirmary door, so I'm going to try and calm the blow." Monty sighs.

"Okay Monty. I'll talk to you later. Keep me updated on Clarke huh?" Octavia asked.

"I will. Bye guys." Monty said before ending the call.

"Oh Clarke what have you done?" Octavia muttered to herself, sitting back in her chair.

"I cant believe she hit her boss. Sounds like a badass to me!" Miller laughed.

"Well you will get to meet the badass tonight." Octavia smiled.

"Wait what?" The previous sentence had caught Bellamy's attention.

"Yeah, I invited her over to dinner," Octavia laughed at the expression on his face "Try not to strangle each other to death huh?"

"Whats the deal with you two anyways?" Miller asked before taking another sip of his coffee.

"The princess and I don't get along very well." Bellamy shrugged.

"The princess?" Miller asked amused.

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