Tony didn't look at him, or listen to him. He didn't want Steve's care and pity. He wanted to be alone and sleep. The whole day had gone so slowly, even though he had slept through most of it, but it had still felt like an eternity.

"What else is there to do?" Tony asked with a grumpy voice. Obviously not actually wanting to do anything else than sleep.

"Well I don't know...maybe go for a walk?" Steve suggested, only to have his smile wiped away as Tony's tired eyes locked with his own.

The genius snorted. "My mother just died Steve. My dad hates me even more now, and I'm homeless. But you want me to go for a walk?" Tony asked like the words that came from his mouth were poison.

Steve cringed at himself as he awkwardly looked away.

Tony sighed. "I obviously can't stay here for so long. But I just want you to know that right now....I don't see any reason to be alive." He said the words like nothing was wrong.

This scared Steve and he quickly looked up, his eyes widening a bit. "Don't say that."

Tony ignored him and turned his head to the side, which made Steve place his hand on his cheek and turn his head back.

"Tony, you're strong, and I know that you'll get through this." The blond assured him with a strict voice. "It's only been a day, but I can assure you that maybe in a week you'll feel a little better. And then after another week, you'll feel even better." He said. "This takes time, but you will be okay. I'm here for you."

When he stopped talking, he could see how Tony had tears in his big brown eyes, but he didn't let them escape. The dark circles under his eyes made him look sick, and his tired gaze grew a frown on Steve's face.

"You don't believe a single word I'm saying, do you?" Steve asked with a small voice.

Tony didn't say anything before he slowly shook his head. "I don't see this ever go away." The genius said. "While you were at school I started thinking."

Steve put his head on the side.

"I started thinking about what my dad said-"

"Tony no."

"For fuck sake hear me out." Tony snapped, making the blond swallow nervously before staying quiet. "I know that you're trying to help me, and I'm so thankful. But we both know I can't stay here. I'm not returning to my dad, so you don't have to worry about that. But not because I'm scared of him." Tony explained as carefully as possible.

He could see how Steve's attention was locked on him in the corner of his eyes, and hear the steady breathing from his nose.

"I feel guilt, Steve. I know what you're gonna say about it, but it's the truth. I've always thought about myself. I've always been a spoiled brat that never cared about the future or the consequences my actions were gonna cause. I've done so many mistakes I can't even count them all, but none of them were this bad."

Steve raised his eyebrows. "What did you do?"

The dark-haired teen turned his head away from Steve, blinking away his tears that again and again tried to escape from the corner of his eyes.

The mood in the room had changed very quickly and Steve immediately regretted his words. But before he could save himself, he heard how the doorbell rang from downstairs with a small irritating noise.

The blond thought about going down and open up. It could be his dad who forgot his keys at home again, or just the annoying neighbor. It was probably the neighbor.

Ring, ring.....

It rang again.

"Shouldn't you take that?" Tony muttered.

My SEXY enemy (Stony Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now