|44| Getting To Know Each Other

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"Oho~?" an irritatingly familiar voice rang.

"Oh, not him..." groaned Rie, yawning widely as she nodded slightly to Karasuma who bowed, reentering the car once again.

"Class A has some kids getting remedial lessons?! Hey, that means some of you guys failed!" Monoma continued yelling, "huh? Hey, how weird is that?! Everybody knows Class A is totally superior to Class B, but now this?! Woah-"

An orange-haired girl suddenly appeared as if on instinct, karate-chopping his neck and knocking him unconscious.

"Sorry," she gazed up at the deadpanning Class 1-A who simply shook their heads, stating that it was normal - though internally, they were secretly glad they showed up when they did.

"You're scary, Monoma..."

"We don't resent you for all that stuff from the Sports Festival, that's just his thing," beamed one, "glad to be working with you, Class A."


"A... beautiful... babe buffet!" drooled Mineta, his class gazing at him in disgust.

"You're starting to cross the line there..." murmured Kirishima, slowly backing away from him. Rie sighed, shaking her head, displeased, and turning to the Class 1-A bus. She raised a brow, turning as Kaminari gawked at her.

"Rie, the dude who dropped you off looked like a butler!"

"He... is a... butler..." she sweat-dropped, walking down the corridor and placing her bag down in the seat next.

"How rich are you?!" he gawked. She laughed awkwardly, sitting down slowly and staring outside at the waiting Class 1-B who were still waiting for their bus to arrive. Her bag was placed on her lap, the girl blinking as she gazed up into Shoto's heterochromatic eyes.

"Is anyone sitting here?"

She smiled.

"Take a seat, Shoto."


"Favourite food?"

Shoto and Rie, in the midst of all their class' commotion, chose to play 21 Questions in order to get to know one another better; they talked for ten minutes before realising how little they knew of the other, and here they were.

Well, they had lost track of how many questions they had asked... but that wasn't the point.

"Cold soba," came his immediate response, "you?"

"I think you already know~" she hummed playfully, smirking.

"Chocolate?" he speculated.

"Mm... one of them, but just sweets in general," she grinned, "your turn."

"Who... raised you?" he asked, suddenly feeling stupid after.

"Well... it was mainly my brother and Karasuma - the butler you met when you came over," he shrugged, "my parents were usually always out on business trips, and when they were home... we... never really talked to one another." She internally grimaced, eye twitching as she prayed he didn't sense her annoyance or lie, heh... I wish that were the case... "You?"

"Endeavor," came his simple response, "and... my sister, sometimes."

"You have a sister?" she echoed.

"I have an older sister and older brother," he admitted, "Fuyumi's a teacher and Natsuo's in college, he's doing a medical degree."

"Ah..." she licked her lips, taking in the new information.

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