|114| Epilogue

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"You're dating?!" whisper-yelled Midoriya, "how long?!"

"Um... since after the end-of-term exams, and then we broke up after the whole Kamino Ward incident, and now we're back together," pondered Rie, watching in perplexment, "are you... are you crying?"

"I'm so happy for you!"

She stole a side-glance at Uraraka, who stood off to the side.

"Took you long enough, lovebirds," scowled a voice, the pair gazing behind them to see Killua scowling, "get a room, you two."

"Todoroki, you better treat her right!"

"Oh... sure thing," he stated blankly, gazing at Kaminari.

"Hey, dude..." Kirishima muttered, "did you... did you tell him?"

"About the thing?" she raised a brow, the boy nodding hesitantly, "yeah, he knows."

"Kirishima, you also know?" the boy raised a brow, turning to the red-haired boy, "who else knows?"

"You, Kirishima, Bakugo and Iida, out of the students," she frowned, "the servants and the teachers also know."

"So not many people..." he muttered, "I guess that's understandable-"

"Oh, and the Big 3," she added, turning to Midoriya and Bakugo, "but Shoto and I aside... you two are under house arrest?"

"Shut up," snapped the blonde, rapidly vacuuming the floor as the class watched awkwardly.

"He'd make a good husband, huh?" whispered Rie to Kirishima, the boy scowling but saying nothing, the tips of his ears turning red.

"Yeah, we are..." heaved Midoriya, "Kacchan for 4 days, me for 3."

"What on earth did you two do..." she muttered, "on second thought, don't tell me, I don't want to know."

"The Big 3, though..." frowned Iida, "aren't they three third-years?"

"Apparently you'll be meeting them soon," she informed, "at least, based off on what they told me this morning and what I overheard Aizawa saying..."

"Oh, Rie, Karasuma wanted to talk to you," noted Killua, suddenly remembering why he was in the Class 1-A dorms, "something about a... the thing."

"The thing?" she echoed, "what thing?"

"The-the thing..."

"The... the thing..."

"The thing!" he waved his hands around, "y'know, the-oh, y'know what, just go see him."

She sweat-dropped at his child-like antics, saluting a farewell as she headed to the courtyard where Karasuma waited for her, perking up as she headed over.

"Killua told me you wanted to talk to me about 'the thing'," she quoted, "what's 'the thing'?"

"Private place, away from everyone else," he ushered her into an empty classroom.

"Now that you've gotten your License - congratulations, by the way - the teachers and I held a meeting to discuss your... pursuit of assassination," he began, "after all, Heroes and assassins..."

"Don't mix?" she guessed.

"But you've proven us wrong," he sent her a soft smile, "you've proven that even assassins can be Heroes too, Rie. Which is why they'll allow you to continue, under one condition."

"Which is..."

"You report back to us daily when you're out on a long mission, such as this."

She gazed down at his phone, which flashed an unfamiliar name, the girl picking up.


"You... are Crimson Death... correct?"

It was a male's voice.

"That's me."

"Perfect... there's someone I'd like you to kill."

She raised a brow, smiling as she leant forward, Karasuma eying her cautiously.

"Do tell... but first... who's talking?"

"I assume you've heard of the Shie Hassaikai... this is their leader, Overhaul, speaking."


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