|42| An Assassin and Devil's Performance

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"Right... remind me why I decided to take this job again?" Rie whisper-yelled over the loud noise of the pub, covering her ears as Karma shrugged, declining a possibly-spiked drink from a waitress, scooting and sliding next to Rie, the girl holding onto his sleeve as to not get lost. She sighed, squeezing through the crowd and almost gagging at the strong alcoholic stench.

They arrived at a door to the backstage, a man with a clipboard waiting for them.

"Names?" he spoke in a gruff voice. He was a rather round man with a beige suit, smoking a pipe and immediately the girl knew his Quirk had to do with poison. He wore dark brown boots and a haughty aura around him. She smelled a sense of opium around him, correctly deducing that he was not smoking regularly but illegally. Was she surprised? Absolutely not, this was a Villain.

"Poison Dart and Semi-Senioritis," the girl introduced, her eyes narrowing slightly, "we came to see what this place was all about."

The man stared at his clipboard for quite some time, eventually letting the teenagers into the room.

"So... how many songs can we perform?" Karma asked curiously as the man began to head out.

"Up to three, but no more than that," he snarled, slamming the door in their faces. Karma stared after him, pointing at the door which he just exited.

"Can I punch him?" he asked innocently, the girl sweat-dropping at his violent antics and shaking her head, "aww... he pissed me off~"

"He pissed me off too, Karma, but we have to focus on the task," she stated swiftly, not gazing up from the music, handing him the sheet music, "we'll do these two."

He scanned the manuscripts, raising a brow and gazing back at the girl.

"These are the pieces you choose every time," he pointed out.

"Do you have a problem with it?" she shot back.

"No, ma'am~"

She rolled her eyes, tapping the beat. The pink-haired boy stared, going over to the drums and sat down, swinging around gleefully on the chair as he poked his tongue out. She rolled her eyes, walking over to the microphone and removing it from the stand.

Karma reached for the bottle of water he had brought along.

Big mistake.

"Oh, by the way, Shoto and I are dating," she threw out casually.

He spat it out.

"Hah?!" his shocked look quickly morphed into one similar to that of the Devil, "so~ we'll be seeing mini Rie's and Todoroki's running around the mansion~?"

Her hands twitched warningly and he immediately shut up, getting the message.

"So how are you gonna kill him without anyone noticing?" he asked, slowing to a stop, "and we haven't met this guy before, how do you know which one to assassinate?"

"Simple," she blinked, confused that he asked such a question, "he was the guy that let us come into the room."

Karma blinked.

Then blinked again.


"You didn't notice?" she raised a brow in disbelief.

"Excuse me for not being as observant as you," he snorted.

"Anyway... to answer your question about how I'll assassinate him," she placed the microphone back on the stand, "first, as we're performing, he's definitely going to be paying attention to us - obviously - as we're the main item. He'll be so distracted he wouldn't have noticed the small dart that I slipped into his pocket as he bumped into us. It'll slowly creep up to his neck and stab him silently, injecting the poison."

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