|108| Rescue and Fight

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"This situation's difficult, even for a Pro..." muttered Aizawa, "to go this far for the Provisional License..."

"Now... what'll you do? Fight, or protect? Help, or run?"

The men beside him instantly made a beeline for the students and injured.

"Move, damnit!" hissed Shindo, shoving the shocked U.A. students out of the way, "get everyone to safety!"


"Towards the back, get them as far away from the Villains as possible!"

"Y-yeah!" the boy stammered, the assassin watching on warily as she backed off slowly, observing their movements.

"I'll keep hammering away at them with tremors at one-second intervals!" he slammed his hands on the ground, activating his Quirk, "I'm not gonna let them get close!"

His face fell slightly as Gang Orca suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Not good enough," he snarled, releasing a sonic wave, the boy groaning and stumbling back, falling to the ground, unconscious.

"Gang Orca... is he going all out?!" stressed Joke, standing.

"I wonder..." murmured Aizawa.

"Only a singular rear guard when there's this much of a difference in ability?" he questioned, "looks like you were underestimating us..."

He slowly walked towards the group in disarray, whirling around as a barrage of ice came his way, headbutting it and shattering it to pieces, Rie diving in and dragging Shindo out of the way. She frowned.

Ba... dump.



She let out a huff of relief.

"He's out cold," she informed, the boy mirroring her actions and calling out Todoroki's name.

"Midoriya, Rie, are you two evacuating?" called over Ojiro, jogging over with Tokoyami and Hakagure beside him, "we'll help out."

"Todoroki's so fast, he got her before us even though we left at the same time," panted the pink-skinned girl.

"Speaking of, where were you?"

"By the water over there," Ojiro motioned with his tail, "everyone headed to the city first, so we went to where they didn't have enough people; after seeing the Villains come out in full force here, we came to help."

"It seems he's doing decently..." murmured the girl, glancing back to see him freeze the sidekicks, "wouldn't we just get in the way?"

"Either way, Yaoyorozu and Asui are still back there continuing the rescue," he continued, ignoring Rie.

"An attack like this is futile, so why continue?"

"As expected of the Number 10 Hero," he huffed, feeling a strong breeze, glancing up with a frown.

"Blow away!" Inasa hummed, using his Quirk to create a whirlwind that shattered the ice

The boys made eye contact, freezing in place as they stared one another down.

"I don't like the tension between them," muttered the assassin.

"Neither," agreed Midoriya, "but we should keep evacuating now that the strong attackers have gathered!"

"To arrive at the same time as you..." he snarled, glaring down at him.

"That's my line," the heterochromatic snarled back, "everything you say is a damn distraction, so why don't you go help with evacuating the first-aid situation? That works with your Quirk, right? I'll take care of this."

"I don't like this..." muttered Rie.

In response, Inasa balled up, gathering wind as Todoroki extended his left arm, activating their Quirks simultaneously, the wind forcing the fire in a separate direction.

"Why'd you use your flames?! The heat makes the wind rise, but of course you wouldn't know that!"

"The ice was blocked earlier, what else do you want me to do?! Besides, didn't you do that on purpose?! Your wind blew away my flames!"

"You're the one who did it on purpose to keep me from getting all the glory!"

"Hah? Why would I?!"

"Why wouldn't you?! I mean..."

"G-guys, let's all calm dow-"

"You're the son of that Endeavor!"

Or not... the pair inhaled sharply.

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