"Let's big it up for the Lady Vikings ! Team captain Josephine Langford!" The crowd roars and we all ran out cheering. We all huddled into a group, wishing each other good luck, before taking our spots, waiting for the speaker to call for the football players.

"Here comes the South London Vikings !" The whole football team busts through doors onto the field. They all stopped and kissed and hugged their girlfriends. I see that Hero just completely ignored me. Way to go Josephine. We both make eye contact at each other, and I turned away and look the other side, forcing on my happy face. As Hero was walking by, he was stopped by Inanna, ugh I fucking hate her. I could see that she was clearly flirting with my man. It's nothing new, she's been with almost half of the football team. I'm not slut shaming her, it's just the truth. Sometimes the truth hurts.

The first half of the match went well, the scores are 10-6, of course our team is in the lead. They are now taking a break. The cheerleaders are now in place to start our cheers. "LETS GO LADY VIKINGSS!" I started off. "Let's go Lady Vikings !" The roared. And we started off our cheer. After many cartwheels, splits and high jumps, it was now my time to climb, literally.

Makenzie and Liyah bent down on all fours, I climbed up on their backs, while Jessica and Jessamine held my legs up. I was wobbly at first, but then I was able to stand still whilst shaking my pom poms. This is the time where they throw my up in the air, and Inanna and one of her minions was supposed to catch me.

But they didn't.

As both girls threw me up, a was able to complete my splits, before falling back down. As I fall back down, Inanna deliberately stepped aside, leaving Molly to catch me, knowing that she couldn't do it by herself. I fell on the ground and groaned at the striking pain in my left arm and right ankle. "What the fuck Inanna ?!" I screeched. "Oops" she says smirking at me before walking off, fucking bitch.

The football team came out and realized what happened. Hero stood there and looked at me, eyes will with worry. He drops his helmet on the ground and rushed over to me. The halftime break ends in just two minutes. "Babe, what the fuck happened?!" Hero say clearly panicked. "Fucking Inanna" I groaned in pain. I hear him take a deep sigh before running his hand through his hair.

Our coach came our to where I was laying on the floor on pain. "The ambulance should be here any minute now" she says. "I'll go with you" Hero says and I shake my head, no. "Baby this game is really important to you? I can't let you do that" I say to him. "Jo I don't give a fuck about the game !" He says starting to get angry.

One thing about Hero is that he has a bad temper. But we both know he'll never hurt me physically so I'm not worried. "You damn well know you care Hero, you've been talking about this for weeks" I say to him and he hesitantly nods "fine". "The ambulance is out front, let's try to meet them half way" coach Jessica informs me. "Here let me help you up" Hero picks we up bridal style and walks with me over to the ambulance.

*At the hospital*
I've been sitting here in the room for three hours with excruciating pain in my wrist and leg. One one the nurses said that today is one of the busiest day they've had so all the doctors are running around like maniacs looking after patients who really needs help. The nurse comes in from time to time to check up on me. Unfortunately she can't give me any pain meds without the doctors permission so here I am.

The game should be over an hour ago. I wonder how Hero is not here yet. Luckily I was able to keep my phone in my bra at the game. I sent him text over text for the past hour and he's still not here.

7:30pm To: Bubs 💍🥰
The game was over an hour ago and the hospital isn't that far. Where are you ?
7:45pm To: Bubs 💍🥰
Hellloooo ?!
7:58pm To: Bubs 💍🥰
Hero ! Babe wtf why aren't you answering ?
8:15pm To: Bubs💍🥰
Can you please get me something to eat ? I'm hungry and the doctors still haven't come checked on me or gave me pain meds yet 🥺.
8:45pm: To Bubs 💍🥰
Forget it. It seems like you have other important shit to do 🙄.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2020 ⏰

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