I took notice to how tense she seemed while I waited for her to explain what in the hell was going on. "It's like he's not my brother anymore." She finally spoke after moments of silence. "Well, why do you feel that way?" I asked. She looked up trying to refrain from crying, "I know he loves me, but he has the weirdest ways of showing it."

"For instances, he thinks giving me money to go shopping is the solution to all our problems. When our mom died, he suggested I go on a shopping spree instead of recommending a family therapist, not that I need one, but the thought would of been nice." Her voice cracked slightly. I could identify the hurt and in her voice. Jhade wasn't at her happiest.

"Did you talk to him about how you feel?" I asked. "Talk? Come on, even you know there is no talking to Ja'Quan. He's my big brother and I love him, but he's a hypocrite." Jhade expressed. Another fact. "He'll tell you all this crap about how you shouldn't do this and that or how you shouldn't act a certain way, but then he's the same person doing everything he told you not to do." She rolled her eyes.

"Sometimes, older siblings just want the best for you. I know your brother can be a huge pain in the ass." I stopped to laugh which Jhade joined in on, "But I know he wants nothing but the best for you." I reasoned. She nodded, understanding where I was coming from because she too, knew it was true. "Thank you, for the pep talk." Her shoulders went up then down. Jhade strongly felt the resemblance of her mother in Destiny.

Not features wise, but having someone to talk to. Before her sudden death, Jhade and her mother, Michelle were like two besties. They did everything together. She shared her deepest secrets with her mom. She figured her older brother would be the one to pick up where their mom left off, but he didn't.

The only thing he seemed to care about these days were money and pussy. Jhade caught him having sex with different women all over the house, yet he was so pressed about walking in on her and Darnell having sex. Hypo-fucking-crite. After our short heart-to-heart, Jhade and I understood each other a little better. "I'm gonna call him now." I looked over at Jhade as she gave me a simple head nod in response. Not wanting Jhade to get in any more trouble; I decided telling Quan about her whereabouts. I picked up my phone, dialing his number that was no longer saved in my phone.

The line rang out twice before he surprisingly answered. "This better be important." His raspy voice spoke into the phone, indicating he had just been woken up. "It is." I spoke pacing my living room while holding the phone close to my ear.

"Destiny, what's up?" His voice sounded concerned. I scoffed, "I'm only calling to let you know that Jhade's over here at my house. She needed a small breather." I turned to look at Jhade, who was nervously biting her nails. "Why the fuck is she over there? I told her to stay away from yo punk ass brother." His voice got deeper and defensive. My head jerked to the side, "First of all, stop coming for my brother." I replied, causing Jhade to look over at me.

"And second, she's not here because of him. Maybe you should stop blaming everyone else around you and start taking fucking accountability!" I snapped, finally giving him the reality check he needed. There was plenty of built up tension between Quan and I. This was my opportunity to get shit off my chest.

"You're a selfish, manipulative, lying ass mother-fucker, you know that? You only think about what's best for you, and that's sad. Your own little sister won't talk to you because you don't care to listen. You don't have a single bone in your body to love the people who love you the most, yet you have abandonment issues. Get your shit together!"

"And to think I used to stress over you?" I paused scoffing, "You're not even worth being a fantasy. So, yeah, congrats Quan... you were right, you aren't the man for me, and now I understand what you meant by that." The words flowed out my mouth. Quan said nothing in response, listening as I went on with my feelings.

"I know I should hate you for the way you did me but I don't— I can't. I actually wish you find peace within yourself and those demons you pretend you don't have to one day face." I told him. Still, he had nothing to say about any of the things I had said. I shook my head, taking a very long deep breath. "I'll make sure your sister gets home safely. Goodbye, Quan." This was the last time I would be talking to him. The last time I would hear the sound of his breathing. The last time I would ever mention him.

- - -

Small talk:
I'm going to be updating back to back because sadly, and I hate to do this 😂, but this book is approaching the END. There will only be a few more chapters so, watch and see how things unfold.

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