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You ever had your heart ripped from the inside of your chest? Just to see it laying on the floor getting stomped on; like some cockroach you just killed in your bathroom in the middle of the night? Well, that's exactly how I felt getting a phone call from my little sister in the middle of the night.

I never thought this day would come. But now that it has, I don't know what to do or say. I'm numb. How do you deal with losing your Mother— the woman who gave you life? The woman who watched you grow and tried her best to stare you down the right path. The only woman that you know will love you beyond all the wrong you've ever done.

My Mother, for as long as I can remember, was always healthy. She got all her checkups as scheduled. She ain't never miss one doctors appointment, so why? Why my Mother? My sisters sobs finally came to an end as she had fallen asleep on the couch beside me. I lifted her body, carrying her down the hall into one of the guest rooms.

I placed her in the bed, pulling the covers over her petite body. She slept peacefully, finally after hours of bawling her eyes out. Only if Jhade could wake up tomorrow and everything that happened today; be one crazy dream. But it won't be. This is reality. Our Mother is gone. I now have to be a role model for my younger sister— stay strong for her because if I don't, who the fuck will?

I walked back down the hall, going up the flight of stairs with my clouded mind. I walked into my bedroom, going over to the nightstand. I grabbed a bag of weed before plopping on the bed to roll up. I can't even fully process this shit. It doesn't feel real. My Mom was only forty-nine-years-old. She was a good woman, an amazing friend and an even better Mother.

After rolling my blunt, I placed it in between my lips, sparking my lighter. I took three long pulls before releasing the smoke from my mouth. While taking the blunt to the face, I grabbed my phone, scrolling through all my contacts. I clicked on her name, hearing the phone ring out.

"Hello." She answered in a groggily voice. "Did I wake you?" I questioned, taking another pull. "Yeah, but it's fine. What's up?" Her voice sounded sexy and soothing at the same time. "Ain't shit. Chilling." I told her. "Why you sound... down, everything good?" She asked, clearly worried about my well-being which I appreciated; especially at a time like this.

"No, everything ain't okay", I thought to myself: "Yeah, I'm cool. Just want a little company. You mind coming over to my place?" I asked, outing the remaining of my blunt. "Um, is this supposed to be some type of booty call?" She questioned. I chuckled, shaking my head at the thought.

"Nah, not at all. I just want some company— your company." I replied honestly. "Alright. Give me twenty minutes." She said. "Aight. See you soon." I ran my fingers through my beard while ending the phone conversation. I laid back into my bed with one hand behind my head. Drops of rain began hitting the windowsill. About thirty-minutes later, I could hear my doorbell going off.

I got up from the bed, heading down stairs. When I opened my front door, I was greeted with Destiny's presence. "What's up. Thanks for coming." I cleared my throat, letting her inside just as it started to rain harder. "I don't mind kicking it." She shrugged, removing her shoes and sweater. Even in sweatpants you could still see her perfect hour glass figure.

Her hair was pulled into a neat ponytail. Her face free of makeup and any sign acne. She's truly a beautiful chocolate woman. We walked over to the couch, taking a seat. There was a moment of silence between us. "So, you gonna tell me what's wrong or what's bothering you?" She questioned, still concerned.

My head back as a sigh escaped my mouth. "My Mother passed away." I shared. Her mouth gasped open in shock. "Oh, my god! Ja'Quan, I'm so sorry to hear that." She held her chest, sounding all sincere and shit; which I knew she was, genuinely. One of the main reasons I asked her to come over.

I know it may not seem like I want much to do with Destiny, but honestly, I really like the girl. I respect the way she carries herself. "Yeah, thanks." I slipped her a closed mouth smile. She nodded, "Are you okay?" She asked. "Ion know. That woman was my entire world. Now she's gone, and I have to stay strong for my sister and I." I explained, refraining from thinking about how much it'll hurt to live without her.

"I know I can't quite understand what you and your sister must be feeling, but I'm here for you if you ever want to talk about how you feel. Even if it's just to sit in silence. I'm here." Destiny reasoned, touching my hand. I looked over at her, staring deep into her eyes. "Appreciate you, fo real." I licked my lips before looking away.

"Don't mention it." She removed her hand from mine. "Did you eat?" She asked. I shook my head no, "I ain't really have the biggest appetite since this morning." I confessed. "You have to eat something." She stated, getting up from the couch. "Where you going?" I frowned my eyebrows. "To see if you have anything in your kitchen to whip up." She simply said, making her way into the kitchen.

I followed behind her not long after. I watched her scramble through my fridge, in search of something. "Perfect!" She closed the fridge door with her foot. She went through the pantry, pulling out a can of bake beans. "What is you about to make?" I questioned, sort of worried. "A classic... franks and beans with rice." She answered. I laughed, feeling relieved that she wasn't about to cook some nasty shit in my kitchen.

After she finished cooking, she dished us out some food. We sat around the table, eating. "How's your sister doing?" She questioned after a long beat. I took a forkful of rice into my mouth, chewing and completely swallowing before speaking. "She's a mess." I admitted with a small shrug.

"I watched her cry herself to sleep. That shit really broke my heart, Destiny." I spoke through clenched teeth. She scooted closer to me, rubbing my back up and down for comfort. "I can only imagine. Neither of you were expecting anything like this. I'm so sorry." Destiny spoke in a soft voice.

Suddenly wrapping one hand around her waist, hugging her tight; my mind and body immediately felt at ease. With Destiny, it came naturally. I didn't have to worry about wanting to only stick my dick in her then send her on her way. I could actually have a conversation with her. It's crazy. Am I catching feelings for this girl?

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