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"Family of Destiny Jones?" A doctor wearing dark blue scrubs called out while standing in front of the double doors. Everyone froze in their tracks. They didn't know what to expect or how bad it would be. Trina stood to her feet, approaching the Caucasian man who held a clipboard in his hand.

"Hello, Doctor. I'm Destiny's Mother. Is my daughter alright?" Her brittle voice questioned. While Trina spoke with the doctor, everyone else anxiously awaited the news. "Ma'am, your daughter suffered some broken ribs as well as a broken leg, and a fractured wrist." The doctor informed.

"There was also some internal bleeding— which my team and I, were able to get under control. As for the scratches and bruises, they'll heal on it's own. Your daughter is a strong young woman." The doctor flashed Trina his million dollar smile.

"That's wonderful news! Thank you Doctor." She exhaled in relief, "Can we see her now?" She asked. "Yes, but she's only allowed two visitors at a time. We don't want to overwhelm the patient." He stated. Trina nodded, thanking the doctor once again for his good deed.

Deedra's leg bounced up and down as she watched their Mom speak with Dr. Montoya. Once she saw her walking back, she shot up from her seat, meeting her half way. "So?" Deedra asked nervously. The anticipation was driving her crazy.

Trina pulled Deedra into her side, kissing the side of her face. "Everyone." She said loud enough to catch their attention, "She's alright." Trina finally announced. Deedra held her chest in relief while everyone else was finally able to relax their mind.

"Can we see her?" Lani questioned. "Yes." Trina nodded, "But only two people at a time." She repeated the doctors exact orders. They gathered up they're belongings, heading up to the seventh floor. Before the elevator doors could close, a red polished hand stopped it just in time; revealing Cleo.

While on the ride up, Ashanti filled Cleo in on the details of the accident. They finally made it to the seventh floor, walking down the long hallway. Before the group could get any closer to room seven-fifteen; Trina stopped them, "Who wants to go in first?" She looked at the group to see who would be volunteering.

"You and I can go Ma." Deedra suggested. Trina shook her head no, "You know things with Des and I aren't looking up right now. I doubt my face is the first she wants to see." She slipped Deedra a slight smile. "Right." She agreed, "How about you, Lani?" She looked over at De'Lanice.

Lani nodded, walking into the room behind Deedra. Tears immediately ran down Deedra's face seeing her sister with many scratches and bruises on her face along with a cast that went from above her knee all the way to her ankle. Destiny turned her face, seeing her sisters. "Thank God you're okay!" Lani stood by her bedside.

"Yeah, we were all worried scared about you." Deedra admitted. Destiny pulled in her bottom lip, looking down at her fingers that were badly cut. "I thought I died." She uttered, "I didn't think I would be able to see y'all again." A single tear rolled down her cheek. "But you didn't. We're right here." Deedra assured, wiping the tear from her face.

"I love you guys so much." She felt to be able to see her family again, "Dee, I'm sorry for what I said to you." Destiny shook her head, apologizing to her sister. "No! I'm sorry. You should be the last person apologizing for anything. I know you were just looking out for me, Des." Deedra responded. Now wasn't the time for them to be mad at each other.

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