Mom used to say that cherry petals bring luck and good fortune.

Does that mean something good awaits me? Will my hair- no no that's nonsense.

It was fine at first but now it's kinda getting creepy and spooky. These aren't even artificial petals. Each of them is real and fresh.

Terrifying fact is, they're suppose to wilt and die. Except that's not happening. They're getting fresher day by day.

Also, I hear these strange obscure voices; I feel like they're calling for me. I don't recognize them but it's familar, as if I've heard of them before. All of these maybe a delusion.

Or not, judging by what happened 6 years ago.

I haven't talked to anyone about this. They'll think I'm losing my mind and will fix an emergency appointment with a psychiatrist. I hate mental doctors. They're not less crazy than any of us, no offence.

Screw them. I don't even trust my phone's mute button when I'm in middle of a boring call. Counselling and therapists are strictly prohibited from entering the chatroom.

You better quote that.

I don't bother eating dinner. Exhaustion is taking over my body like poison. My eyelids are getting heavy and I feel myself gradually drifting off to a deep slumber.


Today is weekend, so I'm getting ready for my date. I squeeze out a good amount of sunscreen cream and apply it, since it's about 120 degrees outside. I'm wearing a hawai shirt with some faded jeans. How do I manage to look this good in such simple outfit?

I'm wow. You hear that? W0w.

Out of the blue, I blench when I sense something unusual. I'm about to lose my balance. Howbeit, I don't because something grabs me from behind. I'm not sure if I want to call it something or someone.

I glimpse back straight away. My pulse rate is increasing rapidly and I can feel my heart in my throat, thumping ever so loudly without any break.

I see no one.

I shift my gaze to the mirror.

I see someone.

I'm shocked, but at the same time I'm exceedingly thrilled to see her.


I call out her name but she doesn't answer. She stands there motionlessly. Her expression changes as tears start pooling her eyes. But they don't fall. I turn around when I see a smile creep on her face.

When I do, she's gone.

I didn't hallucinate, did I? That can't be real.

"Babe we're getting late." The door swungs open. The pattern of my pulse rate is still unsteady, following with my breathing. "Hey are you okay?"

"I know you won't believe me or whatever just happened. So leave it."

"What happened? I want to know."

"I saw her right there a moment ago. I was standing and suddenly I lost my balance but somone caught me. I'm certain it was her and I called her and she was-" Before I get a chance to explain everything, a finger lands on my lips and prevents me from speaking futher.

"Hey it's okay. Calm down Jeonghan. There's no way you saw your sister. You can't. You know it too right? You're just being paranoid." I sigh, pretending to understand. "I'll wait downstairs. Come fast hmm?"

I hum back in response. Maybe I'm being paranoid. Maybe everything is just an illusion or it's on my mind, not a part of the reality; omitting the fact that she looked so real.

Her presence felt real.

I know it because I felt it with my own eyes and it's still lingering inside me.

But that's impossible right? Because she's dead, and dead people don't come back.



This isn't a horror fanfic lol. These are hints. You can prolly guess the next part. It's so obvious haha.

You'll be getting new point of views in the upcoming chapters, also a new character. I'll encourage you to keep your hopes up.
Kay no more spoilers.

I'm hope you guys will enjoy this story. If you do, don't forget to vote. Don't be a silent reader, lemme know your thoughts and opinions. I'll answer all your comments asap.

Thank you so much!
Have a nice day everyone♡

Truly Yours • Kim Mingyu Where stories live. Discover now