The sandstorm finally managed to calm down, but it was still difficult to see more than a few blocks ahead. Cassius knew this and stayed in the cave that he was in. He was alone in here, and he could still hear the wind. They should've waited for the sandstorm, before geting in. But since he's was in need of time, every minute mattered. He didn't know how long he was out when he reached the cave, but he wasn't sleepy anymore, and some light was entering the sandstorm. The best plan was to saty put. But what about Lilith and his mother. They were out there and who knew how they were. Cassius' mouth was dry, he was thirsty and hungry, but the thirst is what killed him the most. He looked out of the cave from where he sat and spotted no items of the backpack and what it dropped to be found anywhere. He sighed and laid his head back against the rock.

   "I don't know what to do." He looked outside still. "Pandora what-" He trailed his sentence and looked down at his chest. He chucked mocking himself. "It's surely been a while since I last called your name. Even though you never really helped me and you mostly caused me pain. You were still a part of me. And here I am searching for your magical energy to cure me. I still need your help, and it sucks." Cassius got the small rock nearest to him and threw it at the other wall. It hit and made an echo down the cave Cassius refused to explore.

  His entire body felt dirty, a nice cool shower felt nice, even though showers weren't necessarly his thing. But he still loved the feeling afterwards. The cave surprisingly didn't feel that hot and thought it helped keep his thermoregulation in check. There were many thoughts passing if he should go and walk out of this cave to see if there was any items, or where they were at. But he wanted to wait just a little while longer, to see if the sandstorm was going to ease even just a bit more. Just a bit more, he told himself.

   "I can't believe this!" Lilith yelled at the top of her lungs. She was in her lycan form as she was sniffing the tracks for Cassius, but due to the amount of sand everywhere his scent was lost. She growled and continued forward. "Cassius, darling where are you?! I lost the supplies, and I know you are dam thirslty because, even I am to. Light got away. I swear dragon's loyality my ass. "

     Suddenly Lilith heard a voice coming from the left side. She coudln't make it out but she ran towards the voice and in the process of doing so she managed to find the items that fell from the backpack. There was a blanket, granola bar, bathroom essentials but no water. Lilith cursed herself as she continued on ignoring the sutff but the granola bars holding it in her mouth as she found a similar scent. She knew exactly who it was and she dropped the bars and saw Victoria's body with her body faced up but her long snake tail out with her eyes closed. She was passed out due to the impact and Lilith nudged her gently.

  "Victoria wake up." No response. "Wake up!" Lilith said again and this time Victoria opened her eyes groaning in discomfort. She turned her head slightly and saw the white lycan.

  Victoria was about to question everything until it all rushed back to her and she stood up . "Lilith is Cassius with you?" She said urgently.

   "No, he isn't. I was hoping he was with you." The sand past by them and Lilith shivered trying to take off sand only to have it come again.

    "Can you track him?" Victoria asked.

   "The sand is blowing his scent everyhwere. I can't find him. However you can detect him using your heat sense. "

   "Right, but this desert is huge, how are we going to find him."

   "Get on my back, I can run that would be a lot faster," Lilith said.

  "Are you sure?"

   "Of course. Afterall we need to find him. I'm sure he's not far since I was able to find you." Lilith said.

   "Alright then." Vicorita got her human legs on. "Wait what about your dragon Light? is he lost?"

  "Yes, I know that dgaon ran away when it could, so it ditched us." Lilith bent down and Victoria got on her back. It felt weird, but she left the thought out.

   "Alright then, when I detect heat I'll tell you. For now let's just go where you think the current might have taken him."

   "Of course Victoria," Lilith said and she ran down the path she found Victoria. To Lilith Victoria was light. That wasn't the prblem. She ran as fast as she could despite the heavy sand blowing hot hair into ther face every seoncd, but it still wasn't as bad as when they first got dropped down.

     The sand made Lilith slower but not impossible to go fast. It felt nice to run to her true capability, for someone she cared for. To search for the one she loved, the thing she needed and loved the most had a name, and his name was Cassius. A mission she wouldn't dare allow herself to fail on.

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