Chapter 26

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[ XXVI] Chapter 26

         I facepalmed as the giant next to me howled with unrestrained laughter. "You lost, Genevieve."

        "Thanks, Captain Obvious." I hissed in distaste, shoving the cards away from me and crossing my arms. "I never even knew that you played cards. I thought that all scary Volturi people did nothing but sit around all day and night."

        Felix furrowed his brows as he collected the money on the table between us. "We are lethal beasts, as most vampires call us, but we're not without emotion. Even we need something to do when no one is breaking the law." He sighed, shaking his head as he leaned back into his seat. "Playing cards and sparring are some of the few things that we can entertain ourselves with. If only the other vampires went through the harsh training that all of us experienced in our early years, only then can they match our abilities."

        I nodded, a small smile playing on my lips. "So, who normally wins all of these games?"

        "Master Caius." Speechless, I gaped at him and he hurriedly elaborated once he caught my flabbergasted expression. "No no, he doesn't play often because of his kingly duties but on the few, rare, occasions that he does, he slaughters us within a minute."

        "Oh God. Now that's terrifying." I snorted sarcastically.

        "What is terrifying?" A velvet smooth voice murmured darkly behind me. Felix's facial expression hardened and I froze. Slowly, I turned my head 90 degrees to spot the literal God leaning against the doorframe with a scowl.

        With snow-blonde hair that was groomed to perfection, enchanting crimson eyes, a dominating stance, and his sexy scent consisting of dark-chocolate and musk made something inside of me tingle in pleasure. His eyes darkened and I averted my eyes quickly. Genvius gaped at me. Gurl. You did not just get turned on by looking at our mate. . . mmm delicious looking mate. She hummed, laying her eyes on Caius who slowly stalked closer to our little table. No. Save me from your sexual thoughts. I pleaded, but she cut me off even before I finished my sentence. It's that time of the month. Accept it.

        He leaned over me to place a hand on the table in front of me, trapping me to his hard body brushing against me, softly touching my back. The pleasurable sensation of his lip brushing against the exposed skin on my neck took all of my willpower to stop myself from making a sound. Thoroughly flustered, I stammered horribly and eventually gave up on explaining. "Answer me." He growled sternly, his lips brushing the rim of my ear.

        Hot damn! He knows how to play you just right. Oh for fucks sake. "Cards." I bit out.

        Across the table, Felix raised a brow and I glared at him. "Leave us, Felix." Caius snarled loudly when he realized that we weren't alone.

        Said vampire quickly bowed, gathered his earned money and sent me a weird glance before exiting the room, closing the door behind him. "Now. . ." The God behind me murmured. I could see the hand in front of me tighten into a fist. "How did you make such an innocent word sound so sensual?" He said, half purring and half growling. A shiver went up my spine.

        "A-Are you okay. . .? Y-You're acting weird." I mumbled, quickly changing the subject.

        Caius remained silent for a few moments causing me to worry. When I wanted to turn around to look at him, his hands flew to my shoulders to grip them tightly, preventing me from twisting. I winced at the pressure. "This is what you do to me." With an agitated growl, he ripped his hands away from my frame.

        "What? Annoy you? That's my job." I growled, turning my head to stare at his pacing form.

        A scathing glare was my response.

        I held up my hands in a placating way. "Okay, okay, calm down. It's just a joke."

        "What did Aro say to you?" He queried, suddenly back to his organized self.

        "You should know, he's your brother." Growling ensued. "Jesus Christ, you're in a fussy mood today. He just told me some ground rules in exchange for my freedom and that Sully—uh, I mean Queen Sulpicia, pleaded my case."

        "Did she now." He muttered bitterly.

        "Why, what's wrong with that?" I scoffed, offended and curious. Did he have some kind of grudge against Sulpicia?

        "Nothing of importance." He waved a hand so dismissively, causing something in me to explode.

        I stood up so fast, he reacted a millisecond slower than usual. That millisecond was all I needed to start my rant. "What the actualfuck? You know what. I'm done. You're always making me so friggin' frustrated and annoyed that I almost want to set myself on fire!" I clawed at my silk-like hair. "One day you're a stoic, brutal king and the next you're caring and on a kiss fetish! Just stay with one personality cause the current you is getting you nowhere. So either get your bipolar royal ass out of this room right now and leave me alone for eternity or sit down and start behaving like a normal person!"

        By the end of my outburst, I was heaving unnecessary breaths as he stared at me, speechless. "What? Now you have no words?" I scoffed in disdain.

        Caius walked a few steps forward until he could rest a hand on the back of a chair. "Are you that confused with your feelings?" He whispered almost silently, looking up at me with those goddamn blank eyes.


        "Shall I show you where it should be, then?" This time, he quickly rounded the piece of furniture to slip an arm around my waist. Seeing me in a rage didn't actually make him sit down or get out. Weird guy. Nonetheless, my eye twitched. Caius' other hand came up to grip my chin tightly so I wouldn't look away.

        Slowly, he leaned down and brushed his lips against my cheek to my ear. "Will you allow me?"

        Well. . . Genvius, what do you think he means by this? In response, she starts taking off her jacket while fanning herself. She seemed as if she were on the verge of melting. Oh dear lord, Genevieve. Say yes, I swear to everything and anything holy that you won't regret it. Her hungry eyes raked Caius' form appreciatively.

        She's no fucking help.

        Seeing my inner turmoil, Caius began to release me but my right hand shot out to grab his left forearm while my left rested on the back of his neck. Then, I got onto my tippy-toes because this God is so damn tall and kissed him full on the mouth. Soon enough, he reciprocated and placed his hands on the curve of my waist.

        Soon, we broke apart and I noted his pitch-black eyes. Slowly, I reached his ear and whispered,

        "Show me."

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