Chapter 17

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[ XVII ] Chapter 17

       I peered down at the hybrid who was currently rocking back and forth on her heels, a humongous smile on her lips. My eye twitched. Either she forgot about the whole ordeal several days ago, or she is blatantly ignoring the potential threat. Jacob, on the other hand, was glaring up at me with murderous intent.

        "Come down and play with us!" She giggled.

        "Yes, please accept this generous invitation, Genevieve." Cyrus' European voice rumbled with amusement.

        I turned around to face the vampire and narrowed my eyes at him. He and I were about the same age so I guess I could take him down if I wanted to. . . but then again his gift. . . GENEVIEVE VIENNA MONTGOMERY. I flinched at the scream. Looking around, I saw that no one else reacted to the noise; which means that one, I'm going insane, or two, something is happening in my head.

        A memory from a few days ago suddenly came to the forefront of my mind.

        Carlisle spoke up next, gaining confidence from his wife. "Chelsea can control your relationships and loyalties. Aro can do that; he would erase everything in your mind then twist them into his lies." He raised a placating hand. . .

        What is he was right. . .? I recoiled in horror at the thought. Me, going against my liege? What was happening to me? "Genevieve?" Renesmee queried again and I snapped myself back into reality.

        "If you're not up to the task, then say no, leech." Jacob bristled.

        Cyrus and Tristan growled in sync beside me and I rolled my eyes. "If you put it that way. . ." I sighed, allowing my weight to fall back off the branch. The wind in my face as well as my hair gave me a release of stress for a moment. With a flip, I landed smoothly on the forest floor with an inaudible thump. Straightening my back, I walked towards the pair slowly. "Then I guess I have reason to play." My eyes flashed with the innuendo.

        The wolf snorted and turned his back on me, nudging Renesmee towards the house. "Come on. It's near lunch; Esme might've made some new dish for you." Immediately, her eyes sparkled with anticipation. She then proceeded to half run towards the large building. "If you harm one single hair on her head, you're dead." Jacob threatened before following his mate.

        I rolled my eyes one more time. Then I proceeded to walk forward, my elbows tucked in at my sides and my forearms adjacent to my waist. "I wasn't even planning on it. Don't put ideas into my head."

        Behind me, the twins snickered. "Cry out or scream if you need help!" Tristan hooted and I flipped him off, causing them to howl with laughter. They react differently when they're on missions—joking and horsing around whenever they can and savoring the "rich" blood, as they call it, around the world.

        Once I entered the threshold, someone tackled me from the side when I wasn't prepared. Recovering quickly, I twisted out of their grasp and lowered myself to dart between their spread legs. Before the attacker could react, I twisted their arms behind their back. "Ow!" 


        "Jesus Christ, how many of you guys must I take on before I'm allowed in here—oof!" Someone just went kersplat on me and I kneed them on the side, rolling us over so I was on top. Then I took the hands—which were quite thin—and pinned them above their head. My hair created a veil around my face as I looked down with a raised brow. "It's rude to cut someone off when they're talking."

        The she-wolf growled at me. "Genevieve!" Carlisle exclaimed as he came over, the rest of the Cullens—save Renesmee, Isabella and Edward— in tow.

        Emmett whistled, seeing an opportunity to make a sexual joke. "Damn, Genevieve. I never knew you were into females as well as males. Ooh, even being dominant in the relationship I see."

        "Shut the fuck up Emmett."

        "Say one more word and I'll claw your face off."

        The she-wolf and I spoke at the same time and we glared at each other. "Carlisle, do I really have to be attacked by your wolves in order to enter your house? If so, Aro would be interested to know about it."

        Carlisle rubbed his forehead, uncertain on what to say next. Then he sighed. "You were unexpected, so your presence made them a bit edgy."

        "A bit." I deadpanned. "A bit. Are you serious? They literally tackled me!" I hissed while moving off of Leah. . . at least I think that was her name.

        The doctor shrugged helplessly just as the pains in my head came back and I rubbed my temples to try and ease it up. Then, for a moment of clarity, I heard the voice. Genevieve. Can you hear me now? . . . I think I've officially gone crazy. I could imagine the voice roll her eyes at me. Yep. Definitely crazy. You're not crazy. I'm your subconscious; Genvius.

        Genvius sounds a lot like. . .

        Genevieve and Caius. Yep. You were all over him with your thoughts, girl! Like seriously, you needed to take a step back with your obsession. I shook my head in denial. I would never think of Master Caius in that way. You lie! Devil spawn, get the hell out of my mind! I screeched mentally, shoving her away and locking the doors to my mind.

        I flinched when the pressure returned. "Genevieve?" Carlisle laid a hesitant hand on my shoulder and I looked up at him. "Are you alright?"

        "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." I sighed wearily, taking a step backwards. "We will leave tomorrow. I am convinced that your coven has not revealed anything about our race. Pardon me."

        Opening the door behind me, I walked down the stairs feeling disoriented; as if something was ripped away from me and an aching hole was forming in my heart. "Genevieve, wait!" I turned to see Rosalie running towards me. She gave me a bear hug out of nowhere and I was stunned. "No matter what happens in that hell hole in Italy, remember that I'll stay here in Forks to support you, okay? I know you might be confused right now on why I, a vegetarian, am acting like this right now. Maybe you'll remember in the near future."

        Rosalie released me with a watery smile before flashing back into the house. I blinked in confusion.

        What the hell am I missing here?

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