Chapter 16

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[ XVI ] Chapter 16

       "Oh come on, Nessie! You can do it!" Jacob encouraged as Renesmee tried to lift up some kind of weighted ball.

        "A peculiar exercise to give to an adolescent." Cyrus commented as he sat next to me on the tree branch overlooking the Cullen house. "Doesn't seem like she's making progress."

        I snorted and rolled my eyes. "Of course not. She was borne from a mortal woman. Half of her is useless, impure, disgusting." I hissed, not knowing where the sudden rage came from. Maybe it was my frustration. So far, the Cullens hadn't done anything concerning violation of the law and tomorrow was the day where we had to go back to Volterra.

        Tristan deadpanned as he stared at me. "Do not allow my idiotic brother aggravate you, Genevieve. He was born that way."

        The three of us stared at one another blankly.

        I couldn't help it; peals of laughter escaped my mouth. I immediately slapped a hand over my mouth as Cyrus glared at me with his death look. He then turned to his brother. "Look who's talking. At least I came out into the world sensible, unlike you who is a natural idiot. So you're the one that was born that way."

        "Excuse me?"

        "You are excused." Cyrus said in a clipped tone as he brushed off invisible dust off his black coat.

        "Why you—" Tristan reached out to cuff his sibling over the head when I intervened, trying my hardest to not let laughter overcome my next words.

        "Ladies, ladies, please. I know I am charming and all, but please keep the fighting to a min— hey!" I was shoved off the tree, but my vampiric reflexes helped me grab onto the branch before I went crashing down to the forest floor. "Rude much?"

        The twins merely smirked at me with the same face. That's some creepy ass shit there. Scowling, I hauled myself back up to my spot beside the twins. "Jacob look!" Renesmee suddenly giggled childishly, drawing our attention as she held up her cupped hands dripping with clear water. "It looks like crystals are in there." I facepalmed. It seems as if this child is no brighter than a dog.

        "You know what. I finally agree with you, Tristan. I can't wait to head back to Volterra." I sighed, closing my eyes and rubbing the heels of my palms onto the sockets.

        Deep-throated laughter was my answer.

        Resisting the urge to punch the vampire, I turned my attention back to the mutt and his soul mate. "Hey Jake?" 

        "Yeah, Nessie?"

        The girl hesitated and my curiosity raised another bar higher. "What if I actually do crave blood at one point? I mean, my mom drank blood to keep us alive right?"

        Jacob's eyes softened as he deciphered her words. Lowering down to her height, he gently tucked a stray strand of curly hair behind her ear. "Don't worry about that. If you do need blood, Dr. Fang will give you some donated blood from the hospital."

        "Carlisle Cullen supplying human blood from the hospital?" Tristan hummed in a jovial manner as he idly chewed on a piece of grass, taking my focus away from the scene to look at him curiously. "Doesn't sound good."

        I sighed and shook my head. "I just hope he isn't doing what I think he's doing. Carlisle is a righteous man; he wouldn't steal blood from anywhere, or anything really, without a reason."

        Cyrus pouted in response for his brother. "You're no fun."

        "I am preventing Master Aro from ordering a possible massacre staging in Forks. Besides," I lifted my shoulders before dropping them in a silent shrug. "even if we told him about what we saw, I doubt he would even act upon Carlisle until he has solid proof. So shut that murderous thought away in a dark space and forget about it."

        Tristan scoffed, throwing the bent and dying grass away with a flick of his hand. "Living forever without a thrill isn't going to help you last long."

        "Hrm." I sighed, idly tracing patterns on the tree beside me.

        "He was just joking." Cyrus murmured after a while. "I'm sure you'll live until the world ends. It's intuition." He winked, brushing a hand through his hair.

        "I hope so." I snorted, brushing my hair over my right shoulder as the trees swayed from side to side, disturbed by the gentle winds.

        Tristan moaned in agony as he rubbed his forehead a minute later. "I can't stand the wait here any longer. I need action. Don't you?" He whined, looking at his twin who was staring blankly at the hybrid down below.

        "No." I piped up.

        Tristan whirled on me, his eyes in playful slits. "I wasn't talking to you."

        I grinned but said no more as we waited for Cyrus' answer. Finally, after a long moment he sighed and looked at us. "A bit."

        "A bit?!" Tristan exploded, his grip tightening on the branch beneath us. "You have the gift of physical manipulation. Surely controlling— h-hey. Wai—hmrph!" One of his hands came up to cover his mouth. His brows were furrowed and I rolled my eyes, a small smirk playing on my lips. Cyrus was using his gift.

        Cyrus and I seemed to be on the same page since he gave me a charming smile that obviously indicated that he was doing it on purpose. "There. I've controlled you, brother." Tristan glared at him and harrumphed, turning his back on us.

        "Such a child." I laughed, clapping my hands together. When Tristan shot a death glare at me, I sobered a bit. "It's nice to have siblings though, so it's not a bad thing." I assured. 

        "It is. Your sibling can either be annoying to death or an angel to heaven. Does that make sense?" Cyrus frowned, contemplating his sentence. "Maybe not."

        "Uh, yeah, it doesn't—"

        "Genevieve! What are you doing up there?"

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