Chapter 11

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[ XI ] Chapter 11

        Mr well-groomed held up a palm and halted my fist from connecting with his face. His hood fell back, revealing long, unruly hair which seemed to be soft. He clicked his tongue at me as he sighed. "You're a good fighter, and a beauty, but if you want to go that far. . ." His crimson eyes gleamed dangerously and I furrowed my brows.

        Glancing up, I see Demetri and Felix ganging up on Mister large muscles. Skinny boy was decapitated and burning a mile away. Relief coursed through me. I hadn't thought about those two during the fight but I was genuinely worried for them.

        In my distracted state, my opponent stood abruptly and kicked the area behind my legs, sending me to my knees. One hand grabbed my ponytail and yanked it back while the other gripped my throat. "Goodbye, little kitten." He purred.

        I growled, thrashing around to try and escape his grip. No use. Jesus Christ, he was older than me? Once my mind processed that these few moments may be my last, it instantly zoomed in on Edward and I narrowed my eyes. I still needed to kick that bastard's ass. I'd rather suffer torture by Aro's hands than see Edward getting away without feeling the wrath of Genevieve Vienna Montgomery. That spurred me on.

        I can't die here.

        Then Caius popped into the forefront of my mind. Oh I loved him, I admit that but. . . the pompous ass needed to learn his fucking place! He couldn't go around breaking innocent hearts while he has a wife. No, I need to do something. Give him a fucking slap or a kick to his family jewels. Oh, that sounds wonderful. I actually never knew I was such a sadist.

        I can't die here.

        Desperately glancing around for any way to get out, I noticed that he wasn't standing too close and my hands were free. I rolled my eyes at my stupidity as I thought of something. I might just make the thought come true, the one about family jewels. Oh yes, that's nice. With all my strength in my right arm, I shoved my elbow backwards and heard a satisfying crack. Mr well groomed let out an unmanly yelp and fell, clutching his crotch while he groaned miserably.

        Standing on my feet, I blew a stray strand of hair from my eyes and positioned my feet over the vampire's neck. "Goodbye, little kitten." I sneered, mocking him as I brought my foot down. Needless to say, I decapitated him easily.

        I can't die here. I have many things left to do in this world. Such as spanking the shit out of certain male vampires. "Excellent job, Genevieve." Demetri purred behind me as he threw a lighted match past my shoulder onto Mr well groomed. "Come. We need to report to Master Aro of everything that transpired this night." He turned to Italy's general direction.

        "He keeps track of all the missions?" I asked, following the two fighters back to Volterra.

        "Why, of course!" Felix grinned goofily. I'm guessing the adrenaline from the battle isn't out of his system yet.

        Meh. Who cares. We're all safe and sound, the offenders are dead and we're going back partially unscathed. Pulling the hair tie out, I ruffled my curly mane as much as I can with the wind blowing against my face. I don't really like pulling my hair into a ponytail. It makes my head pound and the roots of my hair burn, but at least it helps to keep my hair away while I fight.

        As the three of us entered the castle, Demetri and Felix became stoic once more. For me, that was a drastic change in under a milisecond. They were joking and horsing around on the journey back and I had to yell at them once in a while to stop them from fighting.

        Demetri looked over his shoulder and winked at me as if he knew what I was thinking. I glared at the back of his head with full force until we entered the Throne Room. 

        Either the tracker is ignoring me, or he's really insensitive.

        It seems that the kings were just finishing their meal as a regular guard deposited a pale, broken body onto a burning pile of humans. I held my breath to rid myself of the stench of rotting corpses. "Ah, you three come back unharmed and unscathed." Aro cried with glee as we sunk to our knees in front of the three thrones.

        In truth, I was irritated. I really needed a change of clothes right now as my jacket was a bit dusty and because I had to bow. That really wounded my pride. "Master Aro, the offenders were taken care of. They remain as nothing but ashes at this very moment." Demetri reported robotically.

        Aro nodded slowly. "You may—" He started, but Caius cut him off.

        "How did Genevieve perform? Did she create a problem?" Ah. Yet another reason for me to slap him and kick him in the balls. I bit my lip to keep myself from lashing out at the king. . . verbally of course.

        Since our heads were down, I could see Demetri's twinkling eyes and Felix's laughing ones. I mouthed 'fuck you' to them and they cracked small smiles. "Miss Genevieve was excellent. She was able to handle one of the three offenders without any problems." Felix answered.

        Someone let out a small huff and my eyebrow twitched. "Hm." Aro sighed. "That is wonderful news, but Genevieve," I looked up and he smiled gently. It felt as if he were smiling to a child and that, my friend, doesn't feel right at all. "Go to my study, I will be there in a moment. I wish to have a talk with you."

        Standing upright, I bowed with a hand over my heart. "Of course, Master Aro." Pivoting on my feet, I walked out of the room. Once I did though, I nearly had to crawl to the king's room because of my worried mind.

        Did I fail this mission? Did he plan to send me on another? What if it was something I did? He can't have Edward's powers. . . Shit. What if he does? Opening the large doors, I immediately crossed the large, spacious room to an armchair where I plopped down inelegantly. Unconsciously, I started tapping my fingernails on the arm of the chair.

        "Was the wait so long that you had to start entertaining yourself, Genevieve?" Aro's voice rang throughout the room powerfully merely a second later. I heard the door closing behind him and. . . was that another set of feet? Feminine by the sounds of it.

        "No, Master Aro. I was just lost in thought." I muttered meekly as the king settled down in his seat behind the large desk.

        "I presume you remember Chelsea?" He pointed lazily over to the woman who sat beside me. She smiled kindly and I managed a weak one in return. Why was she here. . .? "Good. This will be easier."

        Immediately, the woman beside me shot up and grabbed me by the shoulders, staring deep into my eyes. Jesus Christ. That's scary as fuck. A person sitting down then getting up as fast as she sat down. I wriggled a bit but she had a firm grip. "This is for the best." Aro murmured, trying to reassure me.

        "The wha—"

        "Just relax, Genevieve. Soon, you'll be better." Chelsea crooned, her eyes dilating.

        The sensation I felt was weird and I almost gasped. It felt as if my mind and heart were twisting. Like a wet towel being twisted hard to get rid of the excess water. It hurt to say the least. "Jesus. Christ!" I roared in protest, trying not to whimper pathetically. "You don't have the right to do this! I deserve to keep my free will—" I gasped as my mind blanked out. I couldn't think.

        Then everything plummeted into darkness, but not until I heard a distant voice. . .

        "—we agreed that she'd be left alone!"

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