Chapter 10

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[ X ] Chapter 10

        "Are you ready, Genevieve?" Demetri called, leaning against the door frame leading to my bedroom. He was clad in a simple, black, three piece suit with a long grey pea-coat hanging loosely on his sturdy shoulders.

        "Yeah." I muttered in reply, glancing at myself once more in the mirror before grabbing a jacket and striding over to the tracker. "Let's go."

        The dark blanket of night had just fallen over Volterra, a perfect evening to hunt and dispose of the offenders. As I walked out into the fresh, open area, I took in a deep breath. The cold clean air smelt and felt heavenly after feeling nothing but emptiness while staying in the building. Felix stood to the side, casually standing beside an ancient column that held up the roof. He was entirely wrapped in a dark grey coat so I didn't see what he was wearing. I saw black leather gloves though, as he raised a hand in greeting. "Shall we go?"

        When Demetri and I nodded an affirmative, Felix beckoned us to follow as he darted off.

        Through the quiet journey, my mind was in a battlefield. What if these offenders were innocent? What if they'd done nothing wrong? Psh. Sulpicia said that you could trust Aro. Besides. He got the information from a reliable source. What if that reliable source is actually someone who loves to see decapitated heads rolling around? I shot back with a hiss.

        Jesus, that's a horrid image you got there. Genvius shook her head at me and sighed. Still though. I have a feeling that these people who are breaking the vampire law deserve to be put to justice if they're killing real innocents. 

        Grudgingly, I admit that she has a point there. The victims being slaughtered like lambs were innocent and the murderer was to blame. I nodded once, finally accepting that what I was going to do tonight was not a sin for once. Wow. For once that was quick. 

        "How do you feel, Genevieve?" Demetri suddenly asked, preventing me from answering the goddamn subconscious in my head.

        "Surprisingly, I feel fine." I replied slowly, making sure that I actually felt normal.

        Felix released a small chuckle in front of Demetri and I and the we raised our brows in question. Was the insanity of living for centuries finally catching up to him? "That is good news, Genevieve. You shouldn't do anything that you don't want to do." Felix finally elaborated.

        "So you're saying that going on missions is what you want to do?" I tilted my head even though he couldn't see me.

        "It brings justice. Of course I would."

        Well that answer was simple. I rolled my eyes at my own doubts. I should stop being a worrywart and just let it all flow.

        The rest of the trip was peaceful and the three of us kept to ourselves, staying in our own little paradises in our minds. Once we stepped foot on Spanish territory, I immediately pinched my nose to cover the scent of blood. "It seems like the culprit has struck again." Demetri remarked casually.

        "You're up, Dems." Felix snapped his fingers and immediately, the tracker zoomed off. "Stop gawking like an idiot and pick up the pace. Demetri can run quite fast." No shit. He's a friggin tracker for the love of God.

        Nonetheless, I nodded and trailed behind the large brute as he followed Demetri's scent. But all of a sudden, Felix skidded to a halt, causing me to crash into his rock-hard back. "Jesus. What the hell— oh." I breathed, looking past him to see anonymous figures cloaked in black. They were vampires for sure; there were no heartbeats in the area.

        Judging by their forms, I could tell they were formidable foes.

        There were three of them. The largest one in the middle cackled like a maniac, muscles bulging as he shifted his arms. "So the Volturi's dogs finally come. I was wondering when you were going to arrive. I almost thought that Aro would let this go."

        Felix and Demetri stayed calm like silent sentries. "Master Aro does not tolerate our laws being broken." Felix replied in his deep baritone voice.

        "Of course not. Why else would he be a ruler?" The skinniest vampire sneered. I still couldn't see their faces and somehow, that annoyed me. You don't allow people being rude. Speak up! Defend your King. He shouldn't be insulted so blatantly!

        "For one, he is much more smarter than you lot." I huffed, adrenaline coursing through my veins. "He doesn't go around killing mortals for fun."

        "A Volturi dog speaking out of order. . ." The vampire who had been silent and distant finally drawled. He chuckled darkly and it sent shivers down my spine. "That's a first, isn't it?" As he tilted his head up, I saw crimson eyes partially covered by messy brown hair. It didn't look disgusting, in fact, he looked well groomed.

        "Back off now and we'll spare you three. I'd hate to be on the run for centuries." Mister large muscles growled.

        Demetri merely raised a brow. "Why do you think no one ever gets past the Volturi?"

        "I call dibs on the smaller guy." Skinny hollered, a crazed grin on his face.

        "I'll handle the largest one." Muscles hissed in pleasure as he curled his fingers into claws.

        "Which means I get the beauty." The well-groomed man sighed. Before Demetri or Felix could lunge though, I held them back.

        The two stared at me as if I had gone mad. "Be careful. We don't know if they possess any special abilities." I muttered, eyeing the three vampires warily.

        Felix sighed and shrugged his arm out of my grasp. "Master Aro already informed us that these vampires have no brain, therefore they do not possess any gifts of any use in battle."

        Well. Okay then. I blinked and the two lunged into battle, leaving me gawking like an idiot. This is going to be a long night. My instincts tingled and I ducked, my hands automatically taking my weight as I kicked the well-groomed man in the chin. In the process, I managed to hop back on my feet in the same movement.

        "Nice reflexes." He purred, bunching his fists as he tried punching me. I barely dodged it by a hairsbreadth and our faces grew extremely close. Becoming annoyed at the sudden close proximity, I prepared to shove him, but he already had a hold on my neck. Shoving me into the brick wall, I growled. "I adore feisty female vampires." He sighed, twisting his upper body and throwing me to the ground before straddling me so I couldn't use my arms. "I never got your name either."

        "Well. You don't need it if you're dead." I snapped, using my lower body muscles to propel myself forwards so my head rammed straight into his forehead. It hurt, going in direct contact, but at least it stunned him.

        Taking this chance, I scrambled to my feet and swung my fist downward.

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