Chapter 8

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[ VIII ] Chapter 8


        "It's Queen Sulpicia to you, guard." A strong-looking vampire beside the raven-haired female spat. "Know your place in the hierarchy. "

        "Afton!" Sulpicia barked in a cold, authoritative voice. 'Afton' flinched at his mistress' voice. Aw. . . how cute. Isn't he a loyaldog. "You forget your place as well. Did I give you permission to speak?"

        "No, My Lady."

        Looking thoroughly disgusted with himself, Afton bowed low as Sulpicia directed her next orders. "Stand outside the door. Let no one in while I speak to Genevieve."

        "Your wish is my command, My Lady." The guard disappeared and we were left alone. My eyebrows were raised in shock. I never knew Sulpicia could be that commanding. Was it some kind of trait that she got from being stuck with Aro for centuries? Jesus, if I'm stuck here for eternity, I hope I never become bossy.

        Sulpicia turned to me after the door closed, a small frown marring her beautiful face. "I was surprised to hear that you were back, Genevieve." She walked over to a fainting couch near the floor-to-ceiling window and sat down gracefully, taking her time by adjusting her skirts. "I thought you weren't ever going to set foot in Volterra ever again."

        I flinched, remembering how I was basically forced back here. "Well. . . some circumstances caused me to return."

        "Meaning my husband." Sulpicia stated bluntly. I blinked. Was she, a queen, allowed to be this straightforward? Why was she so casual in assuming that Aro did it? "Oh don't look like that. We've been together for millenniums. It is only fitting that I know him this well. If I did not, then I wouldn't be his wife." She laughed, waving a hand in the air dismissively.

        "Okay. . .?" I dragged the 'o' sound because I wasn't sure on how to reply to her.

        Sulpicia's eyes hardened as she stared at me. "My guess is that Aro has finally told you to execute some human and you feel conflicted." I shifted my position so I was crossing my legs, not wanting to answer her. "I presume I'm correct. It is perfectly fine. All the new recruits go through this. Don't worry too much about it. Every human brought in has committed a crime, and with my husband reading their thoughts, he knows whether to let them go or kill them."

        Wow. That sounded so. . . simple. But was it the truth? Was she lying because she felt the need to defend her mate? I decided to stay with the latter instead of the former. I can't lower my defenses too much.

        "Ah, one more thing." She sang as she clapped her hands together. It reminded me so much of Aro. It bothered me. "When we are alone, Genevieve, I do not expect you to call me My Lady, My Queen, Queen Sulpicia or anything of that sort. I wish for you to address me as Pici."

        I blinked again. This conversation sounds strangely familiar. . . but I couldn't place my finger on what it was. These Volturi vampires never ceased to amaze me with their words though, that's for sure. "Then maybe you can call me whatever you want I guess. . .?"

        Sulpicia grinned, showing off her pristine teeth. "Wonderful. I shall think of a name and when I do, expect me to be back. I must leave now. Afton is becoming agitated." She winked suggestively as she stood up. "We will talk more freely next time I visit." With those parting words, the queen disappeared.

        Truth to be told, I didn't know what to think of the little talk session between the two of us. She came in quickly and then left in the same manner. Was she not allowed to stay as long as she wanted? No duh. She's a queen for God's sake. Remember what Aro said? Something about safe and protectedI rolled my eyes at Genvius. Well. Maybe you try being in my shoes and experience what I'm experiencing. I am. I am you and you are me.

        I kept silent, not wanting to shatter Genvius' ego. It could save me one day. So, instead of replying, I drifted off into wonderland.

        Automatically, my mind focused on Caius. What was he doing right now? Was he with his wife? Disturbing images flickered through my mind and I shook my head to clear it.

        Alas, it didn't work and I pictured a smiling Caius and a laughing Athenodora strolling in the gardens. She would stumble unintentionally on the uneven pavement and he would catch her. They would look into each others eyes and be captivated then. . .

        Genvius scowled at me, efficiently breaking my train of imagination from going any further. What? You. Friggin. Idiot! She screeched angrily. Aro directed Marcus and Caius to meet him in his study. Are you deaf or what?

        I shoved Genvius away after mulling over her words. Okay. Fine. You take the point. I carefully constructed a new wall over my love for Caius. You know that won't work right? I know. I just don't want to deal with that man slut right now. I won't take it down. I swear I won't crumble anymore.

        Yes. I didn't have time to pine over the fucking pompous ass. I have other matters to address. Such as me killing humans, staying out of Aro's manipulative grip, and not falling into the abyss where depression tries to grab me with clawed fingers. I shivered at the image. I should really stop tapping into the dark parts of the information I get.

        Instinctively, I hugged myself in a protective manner. Somehow, I felt threatened by all this and my instincts just screamed RUN. But from what? What did I have to run away from? Aro? Caius? The Volturi? I've tried to get away before and I ended up coming back. Maybe my inner self was just a mess right now.

        I nodded once as I decided on what I wanted to do. I would certainly work for the Volturi, though, I wouldn't do it without a fight.

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