Chapter 1

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[ I ] Chapter 1

        I dropped the body unceremoniously onto the ground. I seem to be doing that a lot; just dropping corpses as if they were trash. I was finally satisfied after two victims. If only Caius— no. Genevieve, get a hold of yourself. The cold-hearted bastard never cared for you. He only did that so Aro could have all the information. No, he loved us for who we are! My subconscious whimpered, still latching onto our supposed "mate." I shook my head in denial and turned west to continue my journey.

        Snow started falling from the gloomy sky and I cracked a small smile despite my aching heart. Winter was always my favorite season. The white in everything seemed to clear my mind of all the impurities lurking in the crevices. Making sure that no mortals were around, I started to blur towards Forks. Maybe the Cullens will offer me some solace.

        It's been years since I walked out—mostly ran—from Volterra. I've been avoiding all the guards that Aro sent, but strangely, they stopped coming after me about a day ago. Maybe they finally gave up since I'm such a smart vampire who knows how to escape.

        My subconscious stared at me as if I've gone crazy.

        I sighed and squeezed my eyes shut, fighting back the venom tears for the millionth time. My bottom lip quivered and I bit it as hard as I could to stop it from trembling. No. Genevieve. Stop this mourning this instant. You are strong. We don't need a man. We've lived our lives without one. We can do it again. A small voice in my head growled in defiance.

        If only that were true. With these raging thoughts in my mind, I decided to stop briefly to take an emotional rest. Leaning against a nearby tree, I rested my head against it's rugged trunk. The words that have haunted me for years came back into the forefront of my mind. Farewell, Genevieve. The way he said his goodbye was just. . .

        Snarling in frustration, I turned around and punched the tree, causing splinters to fly everywhere. "No. I don't need him." Somehow, saying it aloud left me feeling as if a burden had lifted from my shoulders.

        My sharp sense of smell picked up the sharp acrid smell of smoke. A fire? Who would be out in this weather? I looked up into the sky to see tendrils of black smoke climbing up to the heavens miles away. That wasn't a normal fire.

        In paranoia, I shoved open my iron doors. I stood there, immobile, drawing in every single information that I had missed. As I absorbed the facts, I stifled a gasp. Apparently, Isabella and Edward created some sort of demon spawn and the Volturi were there to land judgement because of some false report that a vampire fed to them.

        The Cullens had gathered witnesses to prove that the child was half human and half vampire. Witnesses that came from all around the world; even from the secluded glades of the Amazon. I winced at the thought of Isabella and her hybrid child. It must have been very bloody—birthing a demon. Of course, I couldn't go against all the facts that showed that the child was indeed a half human and poses no threat.

        Ruffling myself and straightening my jacket, I stared absentmindedly at the smoke. I merely wasn't fond of children. Especially one with a father like Edward. Shaking my head, I started to run full speed towards the smoke. Irina, Laurent's mate had just been executed, causing an uproar with the Denali sisters. Now Alice was entering the field after Edward took control of the situation.

        The seer was gone during the witness gathering because she was searching for the other only existing hybrid in the world. With the help of Kachiri, the creator of Zafrina and Senna, they found the hybrid named Nahuel and his aunt in Brazil or in the general area of South America.

        Alice assaulted Aro and she is restrained; now Carlisle is rushing forward alone to try and get her back. Shit, Carlisle! I don't have the gift of foresight, but I can only imagine what'll happen. Carlisle will defeat or push away the guards coming his way and then he'll go ahead and try to take Alice back by force. But without any help, he'll surely be dead. No one can stand up to the Volturi without dying.

        I pushed myself to run faster, totally forgetting about what the repercussions of my actions will bring. My grief dissipated into the biting wind around me as I focused on trying to get to my old friend in time.

        Having a child at this time wasn't really smart, Edfart. God. I closed my eyes again, but not out of sadness. Quite the contrary. I was furious. I opened my eyes with a new resolve.

        I am going to beat the shit out of that motherfucker.

        Not that he. . . never mind. I shook my head at my own demented thoughts as I realized that the clearing was getting closer and closer with every step I took. I heard the swish of the disturbed snow as Carlisle shoved the guards aside. . . at least I think so. I couldn't see anything beyond the pine trees yet so when I stopped at the treeline, I assessed the situation in front of me carefully.

        Alice was struggling to get out of two vampires' hold, the witnesses and the Cullens were frozen stiff, not knowing what to do as they watched as their leader rushed towards the Volturi at full speed. Aro seemed physically calm and he had this certain gleam in his eyes. I know that look. Shit. No you don't.

        Not really knowing what else I could do, I ran a hand through my hair. Groaning quietly at the stupidity of these vampires, I let my instincts take over.

        All I knew was that I was running as fast as a bullet shot from a gun across the field. I leapt and crashed into Carlisle—who had jumped to land a blow on Aro who had also jumped— sending us tumbling to the side, away from Aro's deadly clutches.

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