Chapter 12

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[ XII ] Chapter 12

        Snapping open my eyes, I stared up at the white smooth texture. Wait, was this the ceiling of. . . my bedroom? I wiggled my fingers a bit and yes, it seems as if I'm laying on my bed. But why. . .? I remember going into Aro's office and then. . . nothing. For all I know, vampires do not faint. So what the hell happened? "Genevieve?" A gentle voice murmured and I rolled my head to the left.

        All the questions and thoughts in my mind flew away as I registered who was sitting on a chair beside the bed. I automatically rolled off the piece of furniture and lowered down to one knee with my head lowered in shame. "Queen Sulpicia! I apologize that you had to see me in such an improper position. If you wish to do so, please punish me in whatever way you see fit."

        My queen sighed in distress and my brows furrowed. Who hurt Volterra's beloved queen? I will hunt and then kill the person who did. I swore mentally. "Look at me." She murmured.

        Obediently, I raised my head to see my queen clutching her elbows with her hands till her fingertips turned the color of light gray. "My Queen, tell me who has caused you pain. I shall dispose of them immediately." I pleaded, not liking the sight of her in such torment.

        "No one did this to me, Genevieve. Be at ease."

        "No one looks like this for a reason—" I trailed off as I realized that I was speaking out of turn. Maybe it was who was causing her to be like this. The thought paralyzed me and I lowered my head again in respect. "Forgive me for my insolence. I should not be speaking so freely."

        Queen Sulpicia sighed once more. "No matter. My husband would like to see you in the Throne Room after you've freshened up." She turned to leave and I stood, a hand over my heart.

        "I will be there, My Queen."

        Once she left, I turned and headed straight for the shower. After I was at least presentable, I dressed in a simple outfit complete with my signature bell choker[1], and exited the bathroom. Only then did I notice a small rectangular box sitting on my dresser. Curious, I wandered over and picked up a small "congratulations" card.

For completing your first mission.
Congratulations, Miss Genevieve.

        "Strange." I uttered under my breath as I set the card down and slowly opened up the velvet case. Inside was one of the Volturi chain necklaces. I've seen this on Jane, Felix, Demetri, and Alec so I'm guessing this means that I'm officially a Volturi member now. Excitement and joy surged through my being as I exited my room while clasping the necklace on.

        Then my mood plummeted as some kind of pressure was applied on my mind. This continued on for several moments before I eventually stabbed it out of annoyance and shoved it away. That seemed to work effectively as I felt relief when the force receded into a dull throb. Fortunately, that happened when I had reached my destination.

        Satisfied with everything, I opened the Throne Room doors and kneeled once I reached the foot of the stairs. I was very much aware of the three powerful auras coming from the dais. "Masters. You called?" I muttered, not wanting to raise my voice too much.

        It was Aro who answered. "Come here, Genevieve."

        Wondering what he wanted, I stood—protocol says that you cannot look directly at your masters' eyes— while keeping my view lowered on the floor and slowly ascended. Aro hummed in delight and I could smell his natural scent of ashes and pine trees at this range. "I see you've accepted my gift." His hand came up to finger the pendant laying in the crevice of my chest. A small annoyed snort came from the right but I kept my head lowered

        "I believe it was not by her choice to wear it." Lord Caius hissed in distaste as he leaned forward slightly.

        I heard the rustling of fabric as Aro turned his head to peer at Caius with barely-concealed glee. "Oh no, brother, I think Genevieve took it by her own will. Correct?" He purred.

        "Yes, Master Aro. I couldn't refuse such a honorable handout." My lips moved of their own accord. My brain didn't even need to think twice before speaking. Then the previous pressure came back, only stronger. It felt as if my mind was encased in some kind of plastic or rubber and whatever the pressure was, was poking at it and stretching it. Once more, I shoved it away.

        Caius remained silent, but I couldn't decipher his mood. He was always so snappy. . . not that I was complaining. Oh no, I wouldn't think nor speak bad of my monarchs. "Now I need you to go and do me a favor," Aro hummed as his finger stroked my cheek before lifting my chin up so my eyes were level with his. "I need you to go to the Cullens, my dear. I've heard that young Renesmee has mingled in with some humans. I would like you to go investigate. You know how important it is to keep our kind a secret." He purred, dragging his finger across my jawbone in emphasis.

        I continued to look blank, after all, Master Aro does this to everyone. I do not feel special, neither do I feel anything at all. I managed a small smile. "Of course, Master Aro."

        "Good. Take two guards with you. . . it is the first time you are conducting a mission, I hope you do not fail me, Genevieve." He released my chin and I bowed once more, turning around to exit the room. On the way to the main entrance, two lower guards flanked me.

        "I'm assuming you two are coming?"

        "Yes, Genevieve." They answered in unison. Most likely twins by the similarity of the voices.

        I released a small sigh as I fixed the collar of my dress shirt. "Well then. Let's see if we need to eliminate the Olympic Coven."

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