Chapter 14

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**Photo is of Tristan and Cyrus. They're twins.

[ XIV ] Chapter 14

        "By Master Aro's orders, I am staying in Forks until I confirm that Renesmee will not be endangering our secret. You all must know how important it is to uphold the laws." I explained robotically, linking my fingers together in front of me.

        "We already proved that she wouldn't be a threat." Isabella emerged from the kitchen with a small frown marring her beautiful features.

        "The threat emerged once more when she started to attend school filled with unsuspecting mortals. She may lose control of herself and involuntarily bite someone." They should understand this logic, after all, if the worst does occur, then the Cullens would be the ones to blame.

        "You have no right to say that. You haven't seen her grow up, you weren't here to witness her changes. Nor have you lived beside her, Volturi dog." Edward said quietly, yet violently, as he clenched his hands into fists.

        "Genevieve, what's wrong? I know you've been kept by Aro, but why the sudden change?" Esme questioned gently, trying to stop an argument from breaking out as she clutched Carlisle's arm.

        "I haven't changed, Esme. I have always been this way, my allegiance lies only with my Masters." I replied with an even tone. How wrong she was to assume that I would ever side with vampires who defied our natural diet.

        Carlisle spoke up next, gaining confidence from his wife. "Chelsea can control your relationships and loyalties. Aro can do that; he would erase everything in your mind then twist them into his lies." He raised a placating hand and I bristled, offended.

        How dare he insult Master Aro, the most powerful of all in the world? I stayed silent, not wanting to lash out in my anger, but Carlisle took it differently. He took a tentative step forward and reached out, but I shifted away with a low snarl building in my throat.

        "How dare you?" I murmured with a glare. "How dare you insult your king? It was he who created the rules so our kind could live in peace! It was he who eliminated threats. He risks his life to go and personally dispose of threats! Even if he could alter my beliefs, I doubt he would do that. He's a man who deserves the highest honor." My voice had risen slightly towards the end of my little speech.

        "Carlisle, stop. Aro's hold on her is too strong." Jasper murmured as he stared at me intently, my head started to throb again and I growled, agitated.

        "We can't just give up!" Rosalie huffed as she tried wiggling out of Emmett's arms.

        Ignoring their obnoxious debate, I turned my head to look outside the floor to ceiling windows. I saw the two shadows in the trees and I figured that now was just a good time as any. "Cyrus, Tristan." Immediately, the two appeared beside me and the Cullens tensed.

        "Backup, huh?" Leah snarled, noticing the guards as she raised her fists up. "Come at me."

        "Lower your hands, mutt. These two are just here to ensure that nothing goes out of hand. . . and clean up a bit." I trailed off with a small grin, crossing my arms. That action caused my pendant to fall out of my shirt and be in full view.

        "Traitor." Edward roared, crouching.

        "That's a horrible word to use upon a lady, Edward." I gasped, placing a hand to my bosom. "Besides, I have never betrayed you in any way. I haven't killed one of your pets. I haven't even laid a finger on you all."

        Tristan shifted slightly beside me. He seemed. . . uncomfortable, maybe it was all the feelings he was receiving? I discreetly placed a placating hand on his lower back. He gave me a small nod of appreciation in return. "Are you now an official Volturi then, Genevieve?" Rosalie questioned sadly.

        I raised my chin up, expecting to feel pride at it being said, but all I felt was sadness and remorse. I quickly shook those unneeded feelings away and nodded. "Yes."

        Edward shot a smug grin at me. "Seems like you're not too sure of yourself, Vieve."

        I've had enough of this shit. I snarled in annoyance and made a lunge for the mind-reader. I crossed half the distance but Cyrus held me back with a restraining arm wrapped around my waist. "You bastard. I once swore I would tear off your head. Perhaps it's time to meet your fate." I spat, rage filling every fiber of my being. I ignored the tension in the air.

        "Don't provoke her, Edward!" Isabella chastised gently, a small aura of fear surrounding her. "We don't want her to wreck the house."
        "Genevieve, calm down." Cyrus murmured in my ear in the same moment as his hold tightened slightly. "Master Aro would not be pleased if one of the remaining gifted vampires die without his order."

        Ripping myself out of his grasp, I straightened out my shirt with a displeased grunt slipping through my lips.

        "As Genevieve said earlier, we shall be staying in Forks for a couple of days to ensure that Renesmee doesn't expose our secret." Tristan said with a strong, clear voice, effectively changing the subject.

        "Where will you stay?" Esme queried. Always the one who cared. One day that'll destroy her.

        "It is not of your concern." Cyrus replied evenly. I huffed, looking at the Cullens. I'm sure my eyes were in slits by now with the amount of anger that was simmering in even the deepest crevices in my bosom.

        "We will be watching you." I growled as I looked at the strikingly-handsome twins standing at attention. Only now I realized how beautiful they were. With strong jaws and long, jet-black hair that was draped over shoulders, they could be Lucifer's angels.

        I shook my head in disbelief. What was I thinking? I need to get my head out of the gutter.

        "Come." I muttered as I headed towards the front door.

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