Health issues

45 1 92

Okay so I figured out something good for Med-- Irken service drone assigned in the Medical Ward. She's barely short enough (about Skoodge's height) to be a service drone in normal conditions, but she's perfect height for temporarily bed ridden elites to reach while relaxing and watching TV in the hospital room, so she helps around there more than other drones because they don't want a repeat of Invader Skoodge.

She's surprisingly chipper for a service drone, usually nice to the ill. This is likely because sick and injured Irkens are much nicer than others.

Tends to hang around those who are left for dead just to keep them company in their last moments.

In all actuality she's just a kindhearted ball of short chubby anxiety pretending to be optimistic so that the elites don't yeet her.


During the last revolt, most of Razz's men were severely injured, including her right hand man. She was their commander, she was in charge, but when she knew in her gut they should retreat and regroup her pride wouldn't let her.

Now many were damaged too much too fast. Their paks couldn't repair it and they had to go to the medical ward, and for a few it was only to be told it was too much work to keep them alive.

Too much work to keep her best soldier and confidant alive.

She would do it if she could, but she's no doctor. All she could do is tell them goodbye in their final moments.

When she walked into the room, however, she found an unfamiliar yellow eyed service drone holding onto their hand, saying something about "Sorry they had to do this to you."

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