part time Dreamer

244 1 783

It was the end. Bill was trapped in Stan's mind, and Ford had taken the shot. But... Bill was grinning. He shifted forms, turning into a human man and pulling something from his pocket.

"I'm not that dumb, Stanley." Bill took out an item, looks like he'd saved a piece of the rift somehow. "Now, let's go for a ride~" he cackled. Stan watched with wide eyes as Bill threw it down and opened a portal, jumping through right before the flames destroyed it and the rest of Stan's mind, leaving him and everyone else none the wiser.

On the opposite end of the portal, two beings left where one had entered. Bill stumbled out, a little disoriented and confused on why he hadn't shifted back yet. The other one, a stranger. He looked sort of like Stan, but he had no hat and he was much shorter. His hair was slightly longer, and it looked like it was never brushed since he was born. And he wore semi-formal slacks and dress shirt with a red triangle patch over his eye.

Despite the bazaar appearance of this random person, Bill looked around. He didn't recognize this place, not a single part of it. Which means it isn't his world- Either of them.

He closed his eyes, trying to use his abilities, but... Nothing. He didn't even get a sliver of a thought, a whisper of any subconscious.

What in the world...?


Bill's role is obvious so uhm

"Random guy": sort of an accidental chimera of Bill and Stan's DNA (stop autocorrecting to Satan omfg). No, not to be considered a ship child, not at all. Kind of a grimlin, but currently the only ally Bill's got. Theoretically it does have abilities like Bill, but just like Bill he can't use any so it's still a grey area. Needs a name.

Dipper and Mabel come later for p l o t reasons, they are older and, yes, timepolice. Err- Anomaly prevention crew, actually, but close enough. Sent to keep this anomaly safe (since it was impossible to stop from existing), which means destroying the creator before he tries to return.

"Lieutenant" Blenden Blanden: The version of Blenden Blanden the twins last remember seeing. He lead their subunit. Doesn't actually show up.

Blenden Blanden: The version of Blenden Blanden Bill last saw, and the current version in rp. Very confused and nervous... or so he seems.

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